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It was her favorite place in the world. A place that solved all her hunger issues, fatigue, and whatever term that fitted the category of negative emotions that could irritate someone's soul. It was a planet of food that welcomed her nostrils with the rich aroma of delicious delicacy.

No matter the condition of her stomach, it always roared into her life each time she stepped into the restaurant. It was not any kind of restaurant. The place was special to her and her view of the word special was quite distinguished from a common man. It wasn't lavishly decorated and customers wouldn't find a group of bands possessing the atmosphere with tasteful music. No grand artworks and beautiful flowers were gracing the walls the way it was done in those fancy restaurants.

It was a simple and cozy eatery that offered different varieties of rich meals that would leave a customer looking forward to his next visit. It was her place of comfort and owned by her best friend. The bonus of having a chef best friend was getting free food and that was enough to think of herself as the luckiest woman in the world.

Maria settled down on the usual seat that was always preserved for her. She picked up the menu and scanned through the list that always left her on tenterhooks of not knowing what to choose.

"Hey," a familiar voice soared over her shoulder, one that she had witnessed the babyish version nurture into a syrupy version of a twenty-six years old man.

"I'm hungry," she blurted out without even looking at the person behind her. She knew that wasn't the most polite reply to his warm approach, but a hungry lady was a mad one who held no interest in non-food-related subjects.

Tossing the menu back to the table, Maria glanced up at the pair of metallic eyes already watching her. Her best friend welcomed her face with his full lips rising to the corner, pouring down his boyish grin upon her unimpressed look. He was the young CEO of Mavis Kitchen and the gleam of delight always present on his face was the customer's addiction. If not for the arguable fact that his restaurant served mouth-watering meals, his good looks could have been accused of drawing in customers.

"You always are." He retorted with a soft chuckle, leaning back to release his armrests. His brows lowered slightly, making his eyes appear even wider than usual. "What mountains of food will you be ordering as usual?" He teased again, his hand resting on the table, fingers splayed out.

Her eyes at his comment and then turned back to the menu. This time, she took her sweet time reading through it before finally deciding to order her usual portion of fried rice with chicken, steamed veggies, and some egg rolls.

"So, how was work?" Ted voiced his question came out once the waiter had left, his frame moving to her before settling in a seat opposite hers.

Her face brightened at his words and her ears lifted like an excited puppy. The meeting with the chairman in the morning had made that day her happiest, and good news like such was supposed to be shared with a best friend turned family.

"Right. Something great happened today." She gushed leaning closer triumphantly at him, and her hand beat the table repeatedly to express how thrilling her information would be.

Ted's eyebrows rose a little at her action. He was not used to seeing Maria so fired up about anything other than food. "Wanna tell me about it?" He pushed further, eagerness in his tone.

She nodded enthusiastically, he didn't even have to prompt her twice. "I got a pay raise, Ted!" She exclaimed, gladness sparking in every syllable she spoke. "By a hundred percent," she added, wiggling her brows as she graced her announcement with a drumroll.

"Woah..." He breathed, his hand coming up to cover his mouth and his eyes widening at her news. His reaction was exactly what she wanted and expected. "I had no idea you were expecting a promotion, but congratulations nonetheless." He replied, his tone softening with the gentle praise. He raised his palms to applaud her like a proud buddy would but was stopped abruptly by her next words.

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