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The morning was bright and clear, the air crisp. The sun shone brightly on the white marble of the building grounds as it rose into the sky and a fresh breeze was blowing through the trees that lined the gardens.

The next day had come so soon and she was back to the Stanleys' home as though the other night only happened in a blink of an eye.

The chirping sounds of the birds had welcomed her like the day before. She looked around once Eric had driven away to park the car in a proper spot. The compound looked less lonesome than the day before. A small group of servants was busy doing their jobs, tending to the grounds. She wondered if she was supposed to walk up to one of them for directions or simply pretend to find it on her own with hopes one would notice her and offer to help.

Fortunately, a woman in a similar checked uniform walked in front of her before she decided to stick to the latter.

"Good morning." She greeted her. "You must be the doctor."

Maria nodded, pushing some strands behind her hair from blocking her vision. "Good morning. Yes, I am."

"Allow me to take you to him. Master Stanley is in the relaxation spot."

Her brows shot up softly, "Relaxation spot?" What was that?

The lady chuckled warmly. "It is a special building specifically built for master's meditation and no one is permitted there without his approval."

Maria bobbed her head slowly in understanding. She was not a bit surprised at other exceptional information about the Stanleys. Wealthy people could really pull off the most unimaginable things however they wanted.

The maid turned, beginning to take her to the mentioned place. They passed by several buildings along the way. The grounds were well manicured. Everything from the flowers to the shrubs was kept neat and clean.

"We are here." The maid announced after a short while, her flats glued against the marble floorings deciding to go no further.

Maria traveled her gaze in the direction the woman's eyes were fixed at. They were standing in front of a relatively large building. The front of it was made of architectural glass, allowing the person inside to see outside while being protected from the elements. She found it strange but glamorous.

"This way, miss." The woman ushered and Maria immediately followed suit. "Master Stanley likes to keep this area hidden from prying eyes. It is an amazing secret." She tipped, whispering and the doctor could only chuckle, knowing people of her caliber would rather meditate in their rooms or participate in an affordable yoga class instead of building exotic spots to relax.

A hefty man was guarding the entrance to the building. He wore a large, ugly frown and the sight of him could make anyone's stomach churn with fear. "How may I help you?" He demanded as soon as they moved closer, his voice as deep and menacing as an ax-man's.

"The doctor needs to meet with the young master," The maid answered quickly, hoping he would not ask any more questions.

The guard slowly inspected Maria with his penetrating dark eyes before stepping away from the door wordlessly. "You may go in now and you shall find him there." The maid stated, turning to face the other woman.

Maria nodded gratefully and her eyes slowly followed the departing maid until the vibrating throat of the guard reminded her she was in the middle of something. She heaved deeply before entering the building with the guard shutting the door behind her, uninterested to take more visitors.

As soon as she entered, she felt a rush of cold from the eccentric air conditioners and immediately rubbed her forearms. Her eyes roamed the room, digesting the surreal view. The room looked like a private gym but with a little touch of comfort.

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