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An unexpected jolt made Maria's vision spin. She groaned quietly, feeling dizzy as the car wheeled into the compound. She was unsure of what was happening around her but knew enough about the burning pain in her heart, urging her to release the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

The beautiful lights of the mansion shone brightly in front of them, and it almost looked like the stars themselves surrounded her as she sat there, trying to comprehend why they were there or how she had ended up in that place.

When the car eventually came to a stop, the engine cut off, and the other passengers began to exit as well. It was until a tug on her arm brought her consciousness back to reality.

She found Jayden staring straight at her, his body language gesturing her to come out of the car, as he bent against the car door waiting for her to move. She stared back at his eyes for some time, silently questioning the entire situation, and then finally stood up from the car.

Her legs wobbled beneath her body the moment she lifted one foot, her body reacting strongly to the liquor still residing within her system. She stumbled forward a bit, trying to regain her balance but failed terribly.

The two bodyguards came to her rescue until Jayden dismissed them, stepping closer to take her hand instead and pulling her along toward the main entrance without any word. He led her through the house, ignoring the curious gazes they received from servants and guards, while her vision was too blurred to even notice the whispering groups.

They entered a different corridor in which they were met by the chief maid who seemed to be waiting for them already, in respect to Jayden's command.

The sturdy woman immediately acknowledged the young master's presence with a bow, including the younger maids positioned behind her. "Welcome back, sir. The room has been prepared with everything you have asked for." She informed Jayden, glancing at the tipsy doctor in his hold.

Jayden made no response and walked away without looking back at the women, locating the room located at the end of the hallway and opening the door for the lady with him to step inside. "You will stay here tonight, and return home as early as you wish." He finally talked, his arm pointing slightly at the large space.

Maria's gaze flitted between the room, unable to find the right words as she studied it. Everything in the bedroom was spotless; white walls decorated with dark mahogany furniture and a king-size bed, complete with a luxurious quilt spread across it. On the other side of the room stood a glass door leading to a balcony, and the scent of fresh flowers drifted through the room. As expected, it was an impressable view but she doubted her current condition gave her the right to admire it so openly.

Her attention was drawn back to Jayden when he let go of her hand, and the sight of him made her notice he already retreated three steps back. "Goodnight." He uttered in a low tone, preparing his exit already. His job with her was done. The main reason he had abandoned his night rest was to get her drunkenness home safely and had accomplished something similar.

But Maria hesitated, not wanting him to leave just yet when a particularly dark secret of hers wished to be shared in her intoxicated state. "You might not know this..." She started, her words stopping him from walking away fully, and he slowly turned to face her, exceptionally hiding his curiosity from his face. "Tonight...reminds me of when my grandfather died. I got so drunk, I heard I almost got myself killed." She continued hesitantly, biting her bottom lip while her eyelashes lowered.

By now, the few heavy truths she had just spat captured his whole attention. He watched her as her lips curled into a tiny smile that didn't seem genuine enough for him to believe it was really a happy memory she was referring to and then turned her head away from him as she continued speaking, her voice barely audible.

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