💔Disregarded 2💔

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After a few hours of wallowing in his own self pity, Bakugo decided he needed to clear up the misunderstanding. He never cheated on her and never did anything with Ashido. They had been planning a proposal for a while. Bakugo was working so hard to try and make it perfect, but unfortunately, he messed up badly and it never made it to the day he would propose.

(Y/N)'s constant talk of how she wanted to be with him forever both soothed him and gave him anxiety. He wanted to make things so much better than she could imagine. Hell, Bakugo even decided to ask Ashido for help. Thinking since they were best friends, she'd have a better idea of what (Y/N) wanted. Bakugo was so stressed that he didn't realize that he was making so many mistakes. He had been working long hours to try and save for their future wedding and how luxurious the proposal would be.

As he approached the Todoroki household, Bakugo became more and more determined to win her back. It wasn't his fault that the paparazzi took photos out of context and without his consent. (Y/N) had to take him back! She simply had to. Right?

Bakugo pushed in the code to open the gate, and made his way to the front door. Instead of using his spare key to enter, he decided to ring the doorbell, wanting to seem respectful even if he didn't give a damn. Hearing some voices from behind the luxurious door, it swung open to reveal one of (Y/N)'s older brothers, Natsuo.

"Someone better come over here before I kill him," Natsuo immediately shouted, staring daggers into Bakugo. Gasping, Fuyumi hastily ran to her brother's side to hopefully stop him before he became violent. "Who could possibly be at the door you want to kill?" She asked before she laid eyes on Bakugo. Her concerned face turned into a neutral one with a hint of irritation. "Never mind. You can kill this one."

"Look, I just want to talk to (Y/N). I don't mean to cause any trouble," Bakugo tried to de-escalate the situation. Natsuo rolled up his sleeves and pulled his arm back, his fist ready to collide with Bakugo's face. Just as he was about to launch his fist, Shoto came from behind them, putting his arm on Natsuo's shoulder and pulling it down. "Don't. We don't need to stoop down to his level. Just close the damn door," Shoto said, his voice eerily calm.

"Come on, Icy Hot. I need to talk to (Y/N)," Bakugo said, hoping to persuade him. Shoto's patience was already wearing thin, simply telling Bakugo, "You need to leave."

"Let me see her," Bakugo said, trying to look behind Shoto to see if (Y/N) was nearby. "No. You will not be seeing (Y/N) in any circumstance. Now go," Shoto said firmly, almost through his teeth.

"No! I need to see her. I'm not leaving until I talk to (Y/N) and clear things up. Now let me in—" Bakugo was interrupted by an icy punch to the face, Shoto having formed a thick layer of ice onto his fist before striking him.

"Hey! I wanted to do that!" Natsuo whined as Shoto dragged Bakugo by the collar toward the gate. Bakugo struggled to free himself from Shoto's grasp, the man too discombobulated to figure out which way was up and which way was down.

As he began to regain his senses, Bakugo saw that he was much farther from the house than he remembered, thus beginning to struggle more. "Todoroki, you have to believe me. I didn't cheat on her. I would never." Shoto paused just as he made it to the gate. His grinded his teeth and took a deep breath relax himself.

"I know you didn't. I already talked to Ashido and she told me everything. I know you were only planning to propose to her," He stopped to take another deep breath, letting go of Bakugo's collar as he was pushed outside of property lines. "But you made her think something was going on. Made her think her best friend had betrayed her. It wasn't a one time little thing that could be overlooked. This was incident after incident. I'm not letting you hurt her. Not again."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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