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This ended up being longer than expected. It's angsty towards the end cuz it's one of my favorite things to write so keep that in mind.


Quirk: Incantation
-The user can cast any spell they'd like by saying it out loud, in Latin, or even wishing for it internally.
-The user may accidentally cast spells if their emotions are too strong for them to control.

It was another day of training.

Today they were doing a simulation where there was a large villain attack. They had to learn to stay calm and collected.

The teachers were acting as villains and were ruthlessly attacking the third year. They were all working together to defeat the teachers and were looking out for each other.

Some were observant and watched their surroundings. Others were a bit less careful.

"(L/N), watch out!" Kirishima yelled.

The female turned to look at her friend but didn't see the danger.

The building she was near had begun to collapse, and when (Y/N) finally realized what was happening, it was too late.

She tried to use her quirk to cast a protection spell, but she couldn't say it fast enough.

Just as the building broke down, and began to fall, Bakugo came rushing in.

He caused an explosion large enough to destroy most of the building, but debris still flew past him. A few pieces hit (Y/N) straight on, causing her to blackout.

"(Y/N)!" Ochaco, the girl's best friend, rushed towards the girl and freed her from under them.

The teachers walked towards the scene, but some of the students were thinking it was a way to test them.

"Everyone stand down. The training session is over. We'll be taking (L/N) to the infirmary. The rest of you will go back to the dorms and rest. Class, dismissed," Mr. Aizawa said.

"I'll fucking take her," Bakugo grumbled as he picked her up.

"Are you sure? It'll be easier if I make her float and-"

"I said I'm taking her."

"Oh, okay...."

The class watched as Bakugo walked off with their friend in his arms.

At the infirmary, Recovery Girl was able to heal (Y/N)'s injuries, but it took an hour for her to wake up.

During that time, Bakugo stayed and silently fumed. Recovery Girl had left the room a few minutes before the girl woke up.

"Huh? What happened?" (Y/N) grumbled as she sat up, holding her head.

"You were an idiot. That's what happened," Bakugo growled.

"What?" (Y/N) said, already irritated at him. Her headache and aching body didn't help her stay calm.

"You seriously had to put yourself in danger like that, didn't you?" Bakugo practically screamed.

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