💔The Last Time💔

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It was late at night, but Katsuki was wide awake. He was quiet as he stared at the screen in front of him.

The screen played old videos that he would usually watch them when his wife, (Y/N), wanted to remember something or feel nostalgic.

They would always watch happily as they watched them, but not tonight.

Tonight, he was watching alone, feeling nothing.

"Kit-Kat! Come over here!"

(Y/N)'s voice echoed throughout the room.

"Babe, why are you recording?"

"I wanted to remember this day forever," (Y/N) smiled from behind the camera.

"What's so fucking special about today? Am I forgetting something?" Katsuki asked.

"No, you're not forgetting anything, but you'll find out soon enough why today is so special," she giggled.

"Can't I know now?"

"Sure! Just go into the bedroom, and you'll find a small box on the bed."

Katsuki raised a brow as he stood up from his place on the couch.

He walked to the bedroom with (Y/N) following behind him.

He picked up the small rectangular box, and stared at it, almost hesitant.

"Come on! Open it!"

"What's gotten you so excited, woman?"

"Just open the stupid box," she whined.

He chuckled at her antics, and opened the box, his eyes widening as he realized what was inside.

"A positive pregnancy test? Babe, are you...?"

Katsuki was speechless. Never in his life had he ever thought he would ever become a father.

"Yeah," she replied nervously.

He stood there, thinking, and trying to get his mind wrapped around what was going on.

He finally looked up at her with one of the biggest smiles on his face. It was one of the rare smiles he would give, and it caused a sense of relief to wash over her.

"No fucking way! I'm going to be a dad," he yelled ecstatically.

He ran up to her, and pulled her into a warm hug.

"How far along are you?"

"Almost 2 months."

The screen flickered, and switched to a different scene.

"So today, Kit-Kat and I are having our first date ever since I announced that I was pregnant. That was like 3 months ago. The life of a hero is busy so I don't really mind. I'm just glad he finally got a break."

"Babe, get the blanket, and meet me in the car," Katsuki's voice could be heard.


"You know, Kit-Kat has really been a big softie ever since he found out about the baby. He doesn't let me do anything, but I find it sweet that he cares so much."

"Don't let him know I said that, though. He'd be mad at me," the girl whispered to the camera as she headed outside towards the car.

The scene faded out into one of the sky.

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