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"You called?"

"Yes. Would you mind doing some of that paperwork? Everyone else was busy."

"Sure, Akira-senpai."

It was a normal afternoon. School had ended a whole ago. Yachiyo had been lazing on their bed browsing through a magazine. Akira had summoned them to the student council room.

"So... how are you?" Yachiyo didn't like how quiet it was in the room.

"I'm fine."

"Have you been in here since school ended?"

"No. I did some practice first and then came here."

They fell back into silence. The only sound was their pens writing on the papers.

Yachiyo kept glancing at Akira. It didn't seem like she noticed, or did she? Yachiyo wasn't sure. They swore Akira met their gaze at one point, but she never said anything.

"Um... Akira-senpai? Can I tell you something?"

"Sure?" Akira was a little confused, but gave them her attention.

"Well... I... I'm gay." Yachiyo looked at their feet.

Akira continued to stare at them for a while. She wasn't sure what she was to do now. What was the reaction she was supposed to give to that? Did she just accept it or did she need to be more supportive?

It was hard to tell. Yachiyo didn't seem overly stressed out waiting for her answer. They just seemed nervous. Maybe they were expecting her to not support it? Akira really didn't know. She'd just have to go with the flow and figure it out later.

"Why are you telling me this?" Akira eventually asked.

"I just... needed to tell someone..." Yachiyo mumbled.

"Okay then. I really don't care about your romantic preferences." Akira returned to her work, "Is there someone you have a crush on that made you want to do this?"

Yachiyo quickly shook their head, "N-no!"

Akira raised an eyebrow but said nothing. It wasn't her place to meddle in those types of affairs. Unless someone needed her to, of course.

Yachiyo couldn't tell her the truth. How would that even go down? It was one thing to tell her that they're gay, but to admit they have a crush on her? No way was that happening.

"Do you think anyone else here is gay?" Yachiyo questioned.

Akira pondered her response. Yachiyo waited anxiously for the answer. They wanted to know they weren't alone. That would help a lot. Even if they didn't tell anyone else they're gay. Just knowing there was someone else in the school would be enough.

"I know a few." Akira said.

"You won't tell me who?" Yachiyo frowned.

"That's not my place. I'm not outting someone to you." Akira gave them a slight glare.

"But I'm gay so why does it matter?" Yachiyo understood her stance, but that didn't stop them from complaining.

"Finish those papers and I'll tell you one name." Akira stated.

"Really?" Yachiyo stared at her with sparkling eyes.

Akira nodded, "But you better be fast. I'm done already."

Yachiyo nodded and quickly got back to work. They wanted to know the name. At least then they'd have someone else they knew who was gay. Whether they both knew it or not.

"Done." Yachiyo finished swiftly, but still made sure everything was neatly done.

"Very well." Akira stood up, "The only one I'll tell you about is me."

Two of a Kind: A Revue Starlight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now