Not What You Think

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"Hey, Mei Fan? Have you noticed anything different about Akira recently?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I don't know how to explain it, but she seems really secretive about stuff that none of us are. Like, you know how she won't ever change with us around? Like that. Or how she wouldn't tell me anything about this medicine I caught her taking. And then her insistence we always change the play outfits to always be feminine despite the roles being male roles. It's confusing."

"Everyone has their secrets." Mei Fan shrugged it off, "Have you asked her yourself?"

"I don't know how to. It just feels kind of invasive to ask." Yachiyo let out a sigh.

"You know some girls just don't like changing in front of others." Mei Fan reasoned, "Maybe that's all that is. As for the medicine... maybe she's embarrassed about what it is? Or it's just something personal that doesn't involve you. And you know she wants us to stand out. That's probably why we modify the costumes so much."

"I guess it makes sense." Yachiyo agreed, "Do you think I should ask her about it?"

"Hey guys." Shiori entered the dorm living room.

"Hey, Shiori. Had fun?" Mei Fan greeted her.

"Yeah. What are you two talking about?"

"Akira-san's apparently weird behaviors." Mei Fan said, "Though, I don't see how they're that weird."

"It's just something I noticed." Yachiyo huffed in defense.

"What type of stuff are we talking about?" Shiori took a seat.

"Yachiyo is overthinking Akira-san not changing with us. And her not wanting to talk about a medicine she's taking. I don't see why they are so curious about it."

"I mean, they're dating so I guess more trust could be expected." Shiori offered on Yachiyo's behalf.

"So, you think it's safe to ask her about it?" Yachiyo questioned. They did want to know the answers. More so just to make sure they didn't overstep their boundaries by accident.

"If she doesn't want to talk I think she'd just say so. It's worth a shot if you're that concerned by it." Shiori offered.

"I was not expecting you to side with them." Mei Fan said, "But, you do have some good points."

"I just wanted to put out more options." Shiori replied.

"Well, I'll probably ask her sometime later today then." Yachiyo stated.

"You should tell us the outcome then." Mei Fan said, "I'm curious now."

"We'll see." Yachiyo replied, "Though you didn't mention how she makes our costume changes all the time to Shiori as something else I was asking about."

"I thought my answer was enough." Mei Fan replied with a pout.

"What did you say?" Shiori questioned.

"That she always wants us to stand out so why wouldn't we change the outfits." Mei Fan replied.

"That is what she tells us about a lot of things, so it probably is also the case for them too. Or maybe she just thinks we'd feel more comfortable in the redesigned outfits?" Shiori offered her thoughts on it.

"I guess that could be true." Yachiyo mumbled.

"You are worrying way to much over this." Mei Fan stated.

Yachiyo sighed and then chuckled, "Maybe I am."


Yachiyo found their time to ask later on. They found Akira alone in her room. They knocked and then entered the room. Akira seemed like she had been doing work when Yachiyo entered.

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