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"Hey, Akira-senpai, whatcha doing?"

It was getting into the late hours of the night. Most students had already gone off to bed. Only a few remained up. Two of those students happened to be Akira and Yachiyo. Shiori had been with them for a while but had decided she was going to go to bed.

"I'm working on the details for our next play. Why?"

"Just curious. You going to go to bed soon?"

"Most likely. I just want to finish this tonight. I assume that means you're going to bed?"

"I'll stay up until you're done."

Akira didn't reply and went back to solely focusing on her work. Yachiyo watched her for a while, before deciding to turn their attention back to the TV. There wasn't too much on at this time of night.

Yachiyo was finding it harder to keep their eyes open. They were pretty tired. They'd all been swamped with work recently. Yachiyo was starting to question if they'd be able to stay up for much longer.

They yawned, "Actually, I think I'm going to bed."


Yachiyo stood up and gathered their phone and a water bottle. They watched Akira for a moment. She was still hard at work. It was a slight surprise she had even heard them.

"Night, Akiki~"

Yachiyo started walking away. They paused as Akira called out to them.

"What was that?"

Yachiyo chuckled, "I've decided you're getting a nickname."

"Why?" Akira looked over at them with a slightly confused look.

"Because I can." Yachiyo replied, "So, have fun, Akiki."

"Why that nickname...?" Akira sighed.

Yachiyo had already left the living room. They heard Akira, but decided not to reply. They had a smile on their face. This was going to be fun. It was obvious that nickname was going to get a reaction from Akira for a while.


At first, Yachiyo only used the nickname when it was just them. Akira would give them a displeased look whenever they refered to her as such. Yachiyo liked the reaction. It was fun to get her a bit riled up.

"Yachiyo, why do you insist on calling me that?" Akira questioned with a sigh after having been called said nickname once again.

"Cause I know you don't really like it." Yachiyo replied.

"If you know I don't like it why would you continue to use it?"

"It's fun seeing you get mad about it."

"I swear..."

Yachiyo giggled, "I only call you it when we're alone. It's just between us."

"I'd prefer you didn't call me that at all."

"Too bad."

"Yachiyo..." Akira groaned.

"Come on, can't I have some fun?"

"This is your definition of fun?" Akira gave them an unconvinced look.

"Yes." Yachiyo replied with a smirk.

Akira sighed. Looks like this was going to be a recurring event. Nothing she had tried had gotten Yachiyo to stop.

Yachiyo wasn't cruel by any means. If Akira truly seemed distressed about the name they would stop it immediately. But, it seemed to be a simple annoyance Akira was slowly getting used to.

Two of a Kind: A Revue Starlight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now