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Sometimes they hated how stubborn their girlfriend could be. It was so obvious something was bothering her, but yet she wouldn't talk. At least, not willingly. They had yet to truly prod her about it, hoping she would simply have asked them to talk and said whatever it was. Of course they should have known better.

"Akira~ You seem down. Something up?"

Yachiyo had enough waiting. They had spent the entire day silently suffering through seeing her so out of it. Why had she not come to talk? Why had she not even told Michiru what was up? Did she have something to hide?

They had cornered her after classes. Well, not really cornered. They were just walking together to the student council room. Yachiyo had decided now was the best time to ask while they were finally alone for a bit.

"I'm fine."

Yachiyo groaned internally at that answer. She wasn't going to talk easily. That made this harder. How should they go about trying to force her to talk? They didn't want to but this was not something they were willing to ignore.

"You sure? You can always tell me what's on your mind, you know." Yachiyo gave it one last shot, though they knew it was most likely futile.

"I'm sure. I'm perfectly fine, Yachiyo."

Yachiyo sighed quietly and then stepped in front of her. Akira paused and eyed them in confusion.

"We aren't doing this. You're gonna talk or I'll make you." Yachiyo stated firmly, their voice leaving no room for argument.

"There's nothing to talk about." Akira replied, though Yachiyo noticed she was seeming a bit nervous now. It was a very small and subtle change, but after being so close to her they picked it up fast.

"Akira, you can't hide from me. I can tell that something is really bothering you so why don't we just do this the easy way and you tell me about it?" Yachiyo kept a calm but firm demeanor. They didn't want to be too forceful yet.

"I-I'm fine. There's nothing to talk about. Can we please get going?" Akira stammered slightly on the first word, but quickly fixed it.

But her face showed she knew that doomed her. That was more than enough evidence for Yachiyo to know that she definitely was lying.

"Akira~ Please?" Yachiyo coaxed sweetly.

Akira opened her mouth, but quickly closed it again and shook her head. She took a few steps back. Yachiyo frowned. She really didn't want to talk.

"Is there anything I can do that'll get you to willingly tell me what's wrong? You know I hate having to force it out of you, Akira." Yachiyo tried to see if a compromise could be reached.

"I... I'll tell you when we're at the dorms..." Akira mumbled, giving up trying to get out of this.

"Alright. I'm holding you to it." Yachiyo walked over and held her hands, "Do you need a minute or shall we keep going?"

Akira looked away for a while. Yachiyo waited as she figured out her answer. Or was this the answer? They didn't really know.

Akira took a deep breath and lowered her gaze as she faced Yachiyo again, "Do you care if I don't go? I... can't do it right now."

Yachiyo was a little concerned by that request, "Alright. I can't make you go. Just... promise me it's nothing major?"

"It's a small thing... I'm just... pathetic."

"Hey, no talking like that about yourself." Yachiyo frowned and flicked her on the arm, "Positive words only."

"Sorry..." Akira rubbed the spot where Yachiyo had hit.

Two of a Kind: A Revue Starlight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now