Valentine's Jealousy

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"I wonder how much more chaotic it'll be today."

"Chaotic? I'm not sure I agree with the word choice, Yachiyo. What do you mean?"

"You know, really busy? Crowded? Annoying at times?" Yachiyo was frustrated by the question, "How do you not get it, Michiru-senpai?"

Michiru chuckled, "I think someone's jealous."

"What?" Yachiyo reeled back at that statement, "Jealous? Me? Of what?"

"All the girls giving Akira chocolate. I can tell its already getting on your nerves." Michiru replied with a smile.

"I'm not jealous." Yachiyo huffed, "I'm going."


Yachiyo left the student council room. They were mad. They weren't jealous. So what if students were giving Akira chocolates? Everyone was getting them. They were not jealous of it. They weren't.

Yachiyo went searching for Akira. Despite it being lunch time, she was not anywhere she normally was. They had to go searching.

They found her just in the halls. There was a student with her. It was obvious that the student had just given Akira chocolate. They were talking.

Yachiyo walked over. The student looked over at them. Yachiyo briefly looked at them. The student quickly mumbled about having to do something and left.

Yachiyo latched onto Akira's arm, "Akira! You left me..."

"You were with Michiru."

"But you left the cafeteria." Yachiyo pouted, "You made me come find you."


"I'll accept your apology if you kiss me."

"We're in school." Akira stated. They never were affectionate at all in school. It was only when they were alone that they did anything.

"So? No one's here." Yachiyo huffed.

"Fine." Akira knew Yachiyo wasn't going to give up unless someone did come by.

It was a very quick kiss. That was enough for Yachiyo, though. They smiled at her.

"Come on. Let's go now."


What they didn't know was that Michiru had come to watch them. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Yachiyo was so painfully obvious in their jealousy. They had glared at the student and that was why she had left them so quickly. But Yachiyo wouldn't admit it. And Akira didn't seem to realize what was going on either.

"Michiru? What are you doing here?"

"Oh. Mei Fan. I was just watching something." Michiru turned around.

"Watching what?" Mei Fan questioned.

"Yachiyo is so obviously jealous over Akira getting gifts from other students, but won't admit it." Michiru sighed.

"Oh. Yeah. I know. I saw it too." Mei Fan said, "They are getting very bold today."

"Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the school finds out they're dating by the end of today." Michiru replied.

"Yeah. I wouldn't be either." Mei Fan agreed.




"I... I um... wanted to give you this."

Once again, Akira was receiving chocolates from another student. Yachiyo was nearby. They were glaring quite harshly at the student. Mei Fan was with them. She rolled her eyes.

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