My Bad

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It was just becoming the afternoon. It was quite normal for practice to begin. However, with it being summer, that became a bit weird. Everyone would go practice, just at different times. Currently, Yachiyo and Akira had the room to themselves. Neither had any idea what the other three were currently up to.

They were doing a dance routine from an older play to warm up. Since there were no actual plays to do right now, they had to improvise. So, they all started randomly choosing plays to do for the fun of it.

"That was fun. So, what's next?"

They had just concluded that dance. They had only just started. Neither were ready to be done yet. So, what else should they do today?

"I don't know. What else do you want to work on?"

"Hmm... wanna run through some parts of the play?"

"Sure. Any in particular?"

"How about the dance part to that one?"


After a small break, they began again. It wasn't a very complicated dance. It went quite well. Well, until one part. There was one tricky part to this dance. A turn. The turn was awkward to make if you weren't in the exact position you needed to be in.

And Yachiyo was not in the right position. They ended up tripping over their feet and falling. They yelped in pain as they landed hard on the floor.

"You okay?" Akira was beside them quickly.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Yachiyo replied, pushing themselves back into a sitting position, "I still can't get that part right..."

"It is tricky." Akira agreed, "A lot of people have said that."

Yachiyo sighed, "I just wanna get it right once... and stop falling over."

"You'll get there."

"Can we try it again?"

"As long as you aren't hurt, sure."

"I'm not. I promise."

And so, they went again. And again, Yachiyo messed up. So they continued. Yachiyo was determined to get this right if it was the last thing they did. They would succeed at this dance. They wouldn't accept any other outcome.

But, it wasn't working. They still kept messing up, tripping over their feet. They didn't fall as much, at least. Mainly because Akira kept catching them before they could. They were grateful for that. Saved them from possibly injuring themselves more. They already knew there would be a bruise on their shoulder from the first fall.

Hopefully that would be it. They really didn't want to fall any more today. But, they were still struggling a lot.

"Do you want to try something else?" Akira asked. She was seeing how frustrated Yachiyo was getting from not getting the part right.

Yachiyo shook their head, "No. I'm getting this right."

"Three more times. After that we're done. You're pushing yourself too much for this." Akira stated.

Yachiyo pouted at her, "Fine..."

"You should know better than to force it."

"But it shouldn't be that hard!" Yachiyo complained.

"But it is."

"Let's go again." Yachiyo huffed. They weren't in the mood to be scolded right now. Especially not from Akira.

"Alright. Go slower this time. Maybe that'll help."

"Fine." Yachiyo didn't exactly like that.

They went through the dance again. Going slower seemed to be helping. They were both able to get the moves completely smooth now. Yachiyo was getting confident that this time would be the one that they managed the turn.

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