Would You Like To Go On A Date?

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"So... you want to ask them to go on a date?"

"Yes... I just don't know what to say."

"You're hopeless, Akira..."

Normally, it was always Yachiyo taking the initiative and leading the way. However, Akira wanted to try and do something herself for once. But, she had no idea how to.

Even just trying to ask them out on a date was not going smoothly. She didn't know what to say, where she would take them, or when to do it. She was bad at this. That was why she went to Michiru for help.

"Will you help me or not?" Akira didn't need to be told she was bad at romance. She knew that already.

"What do you need help with? Just ask them."

"But when would be a good time to do it? Where do you think I should take them? I don't know what to do." Akira was ready for Michiru to laugh. She should be able to do this on her own, but yet she was struggling.

"Oh boy... alright. Hmmm, this weekend you could do it. As for where to go... is there anywhere Yachiyo wants to go?" Michiru didn't mock her for it much like she expected.

"Not that I remember."

"Is there anywhere you want to go that they wouldn't mind?"

"Hmm... I don't even know where I'd want to go."

Michiru let out a long sigh, "You are a disaster..."


"Well... I guess you could always ask them to choose." Michiru offered.

"Doesn't that ruin the point of me asking them out?" Akira questioned.

"Not necessarily. Make it exciting. If you make it seem like a day all about them, it isn't a bad thing."

"I want to offer a place to go."

"Fine... how about the garden that just opened up?"

"You think they'll like it?"

"Yes. And, at the end why not buy them a flower?"

"Okay. I'll try that."

"Is there anything else?"


"Then I'm going. I have something to do."


As Michiru left, Akira debated if now was the time to ask Yachiyo. Where were they anyway? She didn't actually know. Were they in their room? It didn't hurt to check, she supposed.

So, she went there to see. And yes, that was where they were at.

"Hey, Yachiyo. What are you up to?" Akira entered the room after knocking.

"Hmm? Trying to figure out some changes for the new outfits." Yachiyo replied.

"How are they coming along?"

"Slowly." Yachiyo sighed, "I keep changing the designs because it still looks wrong..."

Akira took a seat beside them on the bed, "What looks wrong?"

Yachiyo showed her the sketches, "That's the problem. I don't know what part of it makes it look wrong."

Akira looked them over. She wasn't getting that feeling. Nothing seemed wrong with them. They looked perfect to her.

"I'm not following. They seem fine to me."

Yachiyo sighed and leaned against her, "Maybe I've just been staring at them for too long..."

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