You Idiot

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"Akira~ Come on. We're gonna be late to practice."

"Stop dragging me."

"Then hurry up."

Yachiyo was pouting. Akira had taken longer than normal with some work she needed to do. Now they were running behind schedule. Thankfully, they still made it in time for practice, albeit they were last.

That wasn't usual for them. Even when they didn't arrive together, they both were early. Akira normally was the first one in the room, unless Michiru beat her there. Yachiyo was normally last when coming alone, but was still in the room with a lot of time to spare.

"Alright. I was thinking we go over the main scenes today." Michiru ignored their late arrival and jumped into practice for today, "So, I guess let's get stretching."

And that was what they did. As per usual, they split up into the groups by relationship. Michiru was helping Shiori and Mei Fan with their stretches, which didn't seem like good news for Shiori.

"Senpai! Too much!"

"You can do it, Shiori. I know you can. Just a little farther."

"Michiru, let up. She still isn't that flexible yet."

"She needs to push herself a bit every now and again to get more flexible. I'm helping her."

"Why don't you help me instead?"

And somehow it turned to flirting. Mei Fan was just trying to spare Shiori the torture of Michiru's warm-ups.

Meanwhile, Akira and Yachiyo were a different story.

"Akira? Are you okay? You seem a little out of it today. Are you sick again?" Yachiyo was a bit worried over Akira. Her behavior was causing them some concern.

"I'm fine. I just have a lot of things I'm trying to do right now." Akira brushed off their concern.

What she didn't say was that she was very overwhelmed, and was starting to really feel the effects of it. There were so many things to do and for once, she was struggling to get it all done. That wasn't normal for her. She didn't want anyone to know. She had to keep her image.

"You sure?" Yachiyo frowned at her.

"Yes. I'm fine. I promise. Let's start before Michiru yells."

"Okay. Just... please tell me if you feel off. I don't want you getting yourself hurt." Yachiyo stated.

"I will." Akira promised. It was definitely a lie. She didn't want to tell them about this.

They started stretching as they were supposed to. Akira was finding herself struggling to do the simple actions. She wasn't feeling very good. Her head hurt and she was sleep-deprived. It was honestly a miracle no one noticed yet. She really didn't know how no one had caught on yet.

Akira powered through it as best she could. Somehow she got through practice without anyone thinking anything was off. That was good.

She had made a few mistakes here and there, but she managed to cover it well enough that if anyone noticed, they didn't mention it. Or the one time she stumbled while dancing with Shiori, the younger girl apologized and said it was her fault.

But, all that practice had made her feel a lot worse. Her head was pounding even more. She felt very out of breath. Somehow it seemed no one had noticed. Maybe because she was keeping her distance a bit?

The shower she took after helped her a bit, but not much. She could tell her movements were slow and not as sharp as they should be. She did end up bumping into corners every now and again. She kept dropping things in the shower too.

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