One Day, Please?

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"Yachiyo, it's time to get up."

"It's too early!"

"It's eight already. How is it early?"

"Too early..."

"Yachiyo, for the love of god."


Akira hadn't expected this to be what she had to deal with today. She had just come to get Yachiyo up for class since they hadn't come out of their room yet. She didn't think they'd fight her about it.

That ended with her literally dragging them out of the bed. Yachiyo was now sitting on the floor with a pout.

"Get up. Class starts soon." Akira stated.



"Not until you apologize." Yachiyo huffed.

"Stop being so difficult!"

Yachiyo frowned at her raised voice and got up.

"What is the issue?" Akira questioned, "You're not like this."

"I just don't wanna go to class..." Yachiyo mumbled.

"You are. Come on. Get dressed."


"Either me or Michiru will try." Akira stated, "Your choice."

"Fine. I'll get ready..."

"Five minutes." Akira said and then left the room. Yachiyo knew she was right outside waiting. They better get dressed then.

They really just didn't feel like going to class today. No reason why. It wasn't like they had any issues in class. They weren't trying to avoid anyone. They just were not in the mood today. But, they did need to attend class. Ditching class wouldn't look good on an edel.

Yachiyo quickly changed into their uniform. Once done, they grabbed everything they needed and left the room. Akira was indeed waiting right outside the door for them. She looked them over for a moment.

"Why don't you wear the school jacket?" Akira questioned.

Yachiyo shrugged, "Dunno. Just didn't feel like it one day and decided not to wear it properly ever?"

"Wear it."


"Put it on today."

"Why?" Yachiyo questioned in confusion.


"Akira! That's not an answer!" Yachiyo pouted, "I am not wearing it. Let's go."

Yachiyo started walking away.

"If you wear it all day maybe I'll do something special for you."

That caught their attention and made them stop. Akira walked over to them.

"You won't tell me what it will be, will you?"


Yachiyo debated their options. If they wore their jacket then they'd get something in return. But, they didn't know what that something was. Was it worth it if they didn't know? It probably was. Akira wouldn't say that and then do something really small in return. And it wouldn't hurt to wear it for one day.

"Fine. I'll wear it." Yachiyo agreed, "But only when classes start."

"Very well." Akira accepted the compromise.

"Let's go then." Yachiyo frowned.

They took a slow walk to the school. Yachiyo was trying to delay having to wear the jacket. They didn't know why. It shouldn't be that big of a deal to wear it for one day, but it was. Probably because they had never done it before. Everyone would notice. They didn't really like the thought of all that attention being on them.

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