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"Akira~ Come on~ No sleeping in on your birthday."

"Yachiyo... what time is it?"


Akira was not pleased to be disturbed. She had felt last night that she was getting sick. And now it was even worse. She didn't want to get up. Didn't want to deal with any of this right now.

"Akira~" Yachiyo pouted and poked her on the cheek.

"I'm sick."

"Eh? Seriously? On your birthday...?" Yachiyo's pout turned into a frown.

Akira nodded. Yachiyo sighed. They plopped down onto the bed with her.

"How bad is it?" Yachiyo questioned as they felt her head.

"It's not too bad but I have a feeling movement will worsen it." Akira replied.

Yachiyo pressed a kiss to her head, "How cruel. You don't get to enjoy your birthday as much now."

"It's fine like this." Akira said as she shifted closer to Yachiyo's side, "I'm used to bland birthdays."

"That won't do!" Yachiyo huffed, "I told you before. I'm changing that!"

Akira chuckled, "I know, I know. I'm just saying I don't mind if you have to tone it down a bit."

"Well, what do you want for breakfast?" Yachiyo asked, "That's still easy to do for you."

"Surprise me."

Yachiyo pouted, "Gonna be like that..."

"Yes. You know I don't care. Anything from you is enough."

"But I want you to choose something." Yachiyo complained.

"I'm not choosing."

"Akira!" Yachiyo pouted at her, "Stop being so complicated!"

Akira rolled her eyes, "I'm not. You're the one making this complicated."


"That's a common phrase from you."

"Stop teasing me!"

"Stop being so loud." Akira said.

Yachiyo frowned, "You stop first."

"You're giving me a headache with all the noise."

"Fine... I guess I'll choose something for you to eat." Yachiyo gave in.

"Thank you."

Yachiyo slowly slunk out of the bed and left the room. Akira started getting up. It was a bit tough when her body ached. As she started being more active, the pain became worse. Just as she had predicted. This would be a fun day...

Akira made her way down to the kitchen. She could hear talking.

"Good morning, Akira-san."

Akira paused as Mei Fan came up beside her, "Good morning, Mei Fan. What were you up to?"

"I forgot to do something." Mei Fan replied, "It seems awful quiet. What are they up to?"

"They're supposed to be making breakfast. I don't know what became of that."

"Shall we go see?"

Akira nodded. The two of them made their way to the kitchen. As they approached, the noise started again.

"It's not that bad..."

"Yes it is."

"It's not!"

"Then shall I..."

Two of a Kind: A Revue Starlight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now