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"Good morning, Yachiyo."

"Nn... too bright..."

"Well, if you don't let go of me, I can't really help you there. I'll close the blinds if you'll let me."

Yachiyo let out a small whine of complaint at being asked to let go of her. They didn't want to give up cuddle time yet. Even if the light was blinding them completely. Yachiyo solved it by simply burying their head into Akira's shirt.

Akira sighed, "We have to get up soon, Yachiyo."

"I don't wanna!"

"Yachiyo, we are not doing this again." Akira said in a warning tone.

"But, Akira! It's my birthday!" Yachiyo complained more.

"That does not give you the excuse to skip school." Akira stated, "Now get up."

"No!!!" Yachiyo refused and clung onto Akira with as much strength as they could.

Akira sighed as she unsuccessfully attempted to pry Yachiyo off of her. This wasn't going well. Yachiyo was being very stubborn today. It was unusual for them to want to skip school. Should she be worried?

Thinking about it, Akira determined it wasn't something to worry about. They had been very busy as of recent and not had much time to hang out. Yachiyo probably just wanted to get some alone time with her for once. But, they couldn't skip class for it. That wasn't a good thing for an edel to do.

"Since it's your birthday, we can spend the entire afternoon together. But, we have classes to attend." Akira stated.

"No! I wanna stay here with you!" Yachiyo continued to throw a tantrum over not getting their way. They knew it would get Akira to cave in. They knew exactly what they were doing.

"Yachiyo, please-"


"You're acting like a spoiled kid. Behave."

"No! I won't until you agree!" Yachiyo was not giving in. They knew it would only be a matter of time before Akira gave up.

They knew they were asking a lot of her. Skipping class wasn't a good look on them. But, Yachiyo knew there was nothing important going on for either of them. That was why they were willing to put up a fight.

"Yachiyo..." Akira sighed and kissed them on the head, "You're always so troublesome."

"I know." Yachiyo hummed.

"Look at me." Akira said.

Yachiyo didn't know if it was a trap. They were cautious about how they moved to look at her. The last thing they needed was her tricking them into letting her go. They didn't want that.

"Yes?" Yachiyo asked.

Akira grabbed them by the chin, "Stop."

Yachiyo pouted at her, "Come on, Akira! It's one day."


"Please? Won't you do it for me?" Yachiyo put on the saddest act they could.

"I'm not ditching school with you. Now let go of me."

"Hmm... no."


"Uh uh. I'm not letting go. You're gonna stay right here in bed and there's nothing you can do about it." Yachiyo smirked slyly.

Akira looked lost. She had no way out of this. Yachiyo wouldn't give in no matter what she tried. They really were set on skipping class with her.

"Good luck. Michiru will come looking if we don't show up." Akira tried one last thing.

Two of a Kind: A Revue Starlight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now