Something I Need To Say

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It really shouldn't be this hard. Well, maybe it was supposed to be a little hard. But it really shouldn't be this hard, right? So, why had it been a week already? How had it been a week already? This was supposed to have happened almost seven days ago, so why hadn't it?

It wasn't like this was the first time they had done something similar to this degree. And yet, this seemed too intimidating. It was hard to understand. What was making them hesitate so much?

There were too many thoughts swarming their head. At a quick glance of the clock, it was revealed to be just past midnight. So much for getting a good night's rest.

It had been increasingly harder for Yachiyo to fall asleep these past few days. Ever since they had resolved that it was time to tell someone something very personal, this was the norm. Their mind teaming with thoughts, both good and bad, unable to shut it up enough to drift off into a much wanted slumber.

"Fuck it..." Yachiyo threw off their covers. Might as well get it over with. They were never going to get anywhere at this rate. It was just going to wreak havoc on them until something finally happened.

Was having this conversation at midnight the best idea? No. Was it the worst idea Yachiyo has ever had? Also no.

Yachiyo stretched as they stood up. They were careful to be quiet as they left their room. Now would not be a good time to wake someone up and have to explain what they were doing up. What lies could they even tell someone? Especially when their route didn't have many lies that would make sense.

It didn't take that many steps to reach the door they needed to enter. Yachiyo stood silently at it, unable to find it in them to open the door. This was probably not the best time to do this. Maybe it was best to just head back to bed and hope sleep would actually come?

No. This had to happen now. It was starting to affect them too much. So, Yachiyo finally entered the room. They quietly knocked on the door, though that was after they had already opened it. Not that it did anything any way.

The person they came to talk to didn't wake up at that noise. Yachiyo hadn't knocked very loud, after all. They were afraid they would wake other people up if they did.

Yachiyo quietly shut the door behind them and then walked over to the bed. Was this going to get them yelled at? Possibly. Yachiyo was willing to accept that at this point. They just needed to get this off their chest.

So, Yachiyo sat down on the bed and tried to wake up the inhabitant of said bed. It didn't take very much. They simply shook them until they woke up.

"What are you doing?" A tired voice grumbled.

"I need to talk to you." Yachiyo stated.

"It's..." A pause as they checked the clock, "Midnight. What is so important that you need to tell me now?"

"I'd appreciate if you'd at least sit up first. Is that too much to ask, Akira-senpai?"

Akira sighed and begrudgingly sat up. She did not look happy at all, if the glare she was giving Yachiyo was any indication. Yachiyo felt a little more nervous now.


"Um... I..." Yachiyo found themselves not being able to find the right words now, "I... give me a minute... I need to figure out what to say."

Yachiyo tried to think of the best way to explain everything, but it was a lot harder than anticipated. Akira was waiting impatiently for them to talk. If they didn't say something soon, they'd probably end up getting kicked out of the room.

"I... I'm not a girl?" Yachiyo didn't know what else to say in the little amount of time they had to think.

"Then what are you?" A simple response. Not too unexpected.

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