King of Misery

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The five edels stood on the stage. They were surrounded on all sides by korosu. They had to fight. But no one knew why. As far as they knew, there was no reason for this. Elle hadn't told them a play was being destroyed. In fact, they hadn't seen Elle at all yet.

No one knew what to think of this situation. All they knew was that they had to fight. They didn't know why they were fighting, though. They all wished they did. But, wishing would do them nothing here. They had to act now or else they would be killed.

"I think our best course of action is to spread out a bit. We'll just get in each others' ways if we stay bunched up like this." Michiru took charge of the situation first.

"Stay in sight of someone. Just in case." Akira added on.

Everyone agreed and the plan went into action. Everyone pushed the korosu back and thinned them out. It was easier now. Seeing how many korosu there were this way showed there weren't as many as originally thought. It shouldn't be that hard of a fight then.

Everyone was fighting solo, but made sure they were easily seen by someone else. Hopefully nothing bad would happen to anyone, but you never did know. It was just a safety precaution. As it stood, Akira and Michiru were fighting close by, watching the other's back. Mei Fan, Shiori, and Yachiyo were doing a similar thing a bit farther away from them.

They seemed to be pushing the korosu back and winning. Their numbers were thinning out quickly. It was easy. Too easy, honestly. Something was very wrong here.

"Eek! Yachiyo-senpai!" Shiori's scream of panic rang out in the air.

Yachiyo had been taken down and was unconscious and was being taken away. There were a lot of korosu surrounding them. More than they had all fought collectively. That was very very worrying. Where did all these korosu come from and why were they after Yachiyo? More importantly, how did they save them?

"Yachiyo!" Mei Fan lunged at the korosu in desperation. They had to save Yachiyo.

She was blocked and unable to get anywhere near Yachiyo. No matter how many korosu she killed, more kept filling their places, making her unable to advance at all. Putting more distance between them all and Yachiyo. Causing more anxiety in the two girls.

Maybe if all of them had worked together, they could have managed. However, it was only her and Shiori right now. Akira and Michiru hadn't noticed. They were too far away and occupied in their own fight. The korosu probably were keeping them distracted so they couldn't help.

"What do we do, Mei Fan-senpai?" Shiori asked, her voice filled with panic and worry, "I can't even see Yachiyo-senpai anymore!"

Mei Fan took a deep breath, "Fall back. We'll just tire ourselves out if we keep this up. We need a plan."


"I know it's hard, but if we get taken out too, what use will we be?" Mei Fan said, "We need to regroup and figure out a plan."

"Okay..." Shiori nodded, giving Mei Fan a solemn look.

They pushed back one last time against the korosu. While they were filling the gaps again, Mei Fan and Shiori ran. They wouldn't get anywhere if they kept fighting them. They would have to find another way.

"Let's help them. With all four of us, we should have a better chance of saving Yachiyo." Mei Fan stated, nodding to Akira and Michiru. The two of them were now tag-teaming the korosu.

"Okay!" Shiori nodded in determination.

They rushed to where Akira and Michiru were fighting and joined them. There was obviously some confusion when they did that since Yachiyo wasn't with them. However, no one had the time to ask during the fight itself.

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