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They should know better than to care about what other people say at this point. How many times had they ignored people before? Why was it so hard this time? Why couldn't they just push those thoughts out? It wasn't like this was the first time or even the 20th time they had heard people say things like this to them (well, behind their back).

"Honestly I doubt Akira-senpai actually likes Yachiyo."

"Yeah. She probably just dated her out of pity."

"She probably is so annoyed with her. Do you see how much she clings to her?"

"I can't wait for the dramatic breakup once she snaps. This can't go on for much longer, can it?"

There had been quite a few comments like that before. Ever since the rest of the school learned they were dating. But the comments had been getting worse recently. And it was really getting to Yachiyo.

They tried to not let it show, but it was hard. They were starting to have doubts now. They didn't like these thoughts at all. How could they be having these doubts after this long? There was no reason they should be even slightly listening to anything those people were saying. They knew nothing. But yet... part of them just couldn't shake it off.

"Akira... do you really love me?" It came out one night.

Yachiyo had been unable to get a conversation from earlier out of their head. They said that without even thinking. Which now that it was out of the bag, the worry inside of them just increased. Would Akira be disappointed in them for thinking that?

They were hanging out in the living room. It was just the two of them currently. Everyone else had long since gone to bed. The two of them should probably also be in bed at this point.

"What? Why are you asking that? Of course I love you." Akira was very confused and concerned by that question.

Yachiyo simply looked away. Even hearing that wasn't helping. She was just saying that. That was all Yachiyo could hear in their head.
Akira frowned at their reaction. She sighed and set down the book she had been reading.

"What's wrong, Yachiyo?"

"Nothing..." Yachiyo mumbled.

Akira moved closer to them and wrapped an arm around them, "I know that's a lie. Talk to me. What happened?"

Yachiyo tried to think of a good response, but nothing was coming to mind. And now that Akira was starting to talk to them about it, the emotions inside were starting to come out. Thinking about those horrible words made Yachiyo constantly feeling on the verge of tears. And now talking about it finally made the tears fall.

Yachiyo started crying and buried themself into Akira's side, "I don't know... I don't know what to do..."

"Hey, it's okay..." Akira pulled them into a tight hug, "What don't you know what to do?"

"How to make these thoughts shut up..."

"About me not loving you?" Akira questioned.

"Yeah..." Yachiyo nodded.

Akira sighed and kissed them on the head, "Let's start with where those thoughts are coming from."

Yachiyo didn't want to talk about it. Having to repeat it. Repeat the things they were hearing. Would that make Akira feel bad too? They didn't want to make her hurt as well because of what those people were saying. Then again... Akira had said before she was a lot more used to hateful comments being thrown around about her. Maybe this was nothing to her compared to other things people have said.

Two of a Kind: A Revue Starlight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now