A Welcome Surprise

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Beep Beep

Yachiyo grumbled as they reached over and turned off the alarm. They winced as cold air overcame their bare arm. They quickly shoved it back under the covers, shivering slightly.

There was movement beneath them. Right. They had ended up on top of Akira during the night and had been too tired and cozy to move at the time. Yachiyo slowly moved off of her.

"Good morning." Yachiyo hummed as Akira turned to face them.

Akira wrapped them in a hug and buried her face into the crook of their neck. Yachiyo smiled and ran a hand through her hair.

"Not ready to get up yet?" Yachiyo teased gently.


"That it is." Yachiyo agreed, tugging the covers over them more.

It seemed neither of them were in the mood to give up the warmth from the bed. It wasn't like they had to, though. They were on break. Akira had expressed discontent with having to go home, so Yachiyo invited her to spend the break at their house. It took a bit of convincing, but Akira did agree to it. And she was glad she did.

This beat being at home any day. She got to be with someone who accepted her. Someone who was not at all held back when it came to showing her affection.

Akira nuzzled herself closer to Yachiyo. Yachiyo had no complaints with the situation. Getting to snuggle with Akira was always a welcome thing. Double when it was Akira snuggling up to them.

"I guess I'll let you indulge in whatever you'd like today. It is your birthday, after all." Yachiyo said, "And speaking of that, happy birthday, Akira."

"Thank you."

"I did invite the others over for later. So, around three they should get here." Yachiyo said, "But until then, it's just us."

"What time is it now?" Akira asked.

"I set my alarm for eight." Yachiyo replied.

"Is there anything you have to do today?"

"Not that I'm aware of." Yachiyo said.

"Then we can stay like this for a while longer?" Akira requested.

"Whatever you'd like, Akiki~" Yachiyo hummed in reply.

Akira removed her head from Yachiyo's neck and opted to kiss them. Yachiyo returned the kiss. Akira settled back down after that. Yachiyo pouted. One kiss wasn't enough for them. They wanted to do more.

"What's with the pouting this time?"

"More kisses." Yachiyo sounded spoiled complaining like that, but that was a common thing.

Akira laughed softly, "Still touchy as always, aren't we, Yachi?"

Yachiyo smiled and nodded. They knew what meant yes and that response did.

Akira leaned closer. Yachiyo decided they didn't want to wait and closed the distance, kissing her on the lips. Akira rolled her eyes.

"You're so spoiled."

Yachiyo sheepishly laughed, "You haven't stopped me."

"Since it's my birthday, shouldn't you be the one spoiling me?" Akira whispered into their ear in a teasing voice.

Yachiyo blushed in embarrassment and proceeded to hide their face in the pillow. Akira moved even closer to them. Yachiyo peaked out.

"That made you embarrassed?" Akira asked.

"You're always teasing me about everything!" Yachiyo complained.

"It's fun to see your reaction."

Yachiyo blinked at her a few times. She stole their line. That was what they always said whenever Akira complained about teasing and especially back when the nickname was new.

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