Painful Days

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It was unexpected. They had just been practing like normal. They had done that routine thousands of times by now. So what went wrong? What happened?

Yachiyo still didn't know. All that they did know was that they had a broken ankle now. A broken ankle that was very painful. The slightest wrong move and it hurt like hell. As much as Yachiyo wouldn't admit it, it did bring them to tears a few times.

That day was carved into their memory. They had been doing a spin when pain shot through their foot and they collapsed. They had fallen quite hard and bruised their right arm as well. Their left ankle was broken and in a cast.

They were on bed rest in the dorms. Yachiyo wasn't allowed to go to class. They were stuck in bed all day long. It was tough. They were bored out of their mind. There was only so much to do.

A knock sounded on their door, "Can I come in?"


The door opened and Akira came inside. She shut the door behind her and then came over to Yachiyo. She carefully sat down on the bed. Yachiyo winced. It didn't go unnoticed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Yachiyo lied.

Truth be told, they were in a lot of pain. They had shifted around and moved their foot the wrong way. Now it was pulsing in pain. They were trying to be brave about it, but it wasn't really working. At least, not around Akira.

She noticed something was amiss quite easily. Yachiyo wasn't going to be able to lie their way out of this one. Akira could see through the facade they tried to hold.

"What's wrong?" Akira asked gently.

Yachiyo felt tears forming in their eyes, "It hurts."

Akira frowned and cautiously hugged them. Yachiyo clung to her as tears started falling down their face. They couldn't hold it in any longer. It hurt too much to ignore.

"Let it out..." Akira started rubbing their back.

"I hate this..." Yachiyo mumbled, "I hate it so much..."

"I bet you do. It must be hard." Akira pulled them closer.

"I'd rather be dead than deal with it."

Akira didn't know how to respond to that. That was not something she expected to hear. That wasn't a good thing to hear. It concerned her.

"I don't think you do." Akira stated.

Yachiyo tightened their grip, "I don't know anymore... it's so painful..."

"You'll get through it, I promise." Akira kissed them on the head, "I'm right here... you don't have to handle it alone."

"Make it stop... I want the pain to stop..."

It hurt to hear how broken Yachiyo sounded. This had really affected them. And because it was taking such a big toll on them, it was starting to affect the others as well. Not having Yachiyo with them was hard. They had gotten so used to their normal antics that to be without them felt so wrong. It reminded them all of the incident with Shiori when she was sick, but this time on a bit higher of a scale.

"I wish I could, Yachiyo." Akira rubbed their back again, "I'd do anything to make it stop."

Someone else came knocking on the door. Akira went and opened it. Mei Fan was there with a tray. Since Yachiyo wasn't allowed up, they had to bring food to them.

"Hey." Mei Fan carefully set the tray down on a small table they got just for the occasion, "Do you need me to bring anything else up?"

"Can I take more medicine?" Yachiyo asked in a quiet tone.

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