Surprising Side

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The ringing of an alarm woke Akira up. It was turned off before she could even open her eyes. The culprit made themselves known by cuddling up against her, obviously trying to get under her arms. And under normal circumstances, she would have already opened her arms for them to join her.

But, Akira was having none of it today. She didn't even need to open her eyes to do what she was going to do. She heard Yachiyo whine in complaint at her resistance to their motives and struck. She did to them what they were trying to do to her.

Akira easily got under their arms and hugged them tightly. Yachiyo did not react for a while. Akira could only assume she had caught them very off guard by her actions. After all, she was not one to ask for that much affection from them. But, today was different. Today that was exactly what she wanted. Yachiyo was going to be pampering her all day and she was not taking no for an answer.

Now, as for why she suddenly decided to do this... Akira really did not know. She just had the thought in her head about being on the receiving end of Yachiyo's affection more than usual and it somehow turned into this.

"Akira?" Yachiyo asked in a confused tone, "What are you doing?"

Akira offered no reply and simply made herself at home in Yachiyo's embrace. She felt Yachiyo playing with a small piece of her hair, twirling it around their fingers. Akira was content with this for the morning. She shifted slightly so she could get a better grip on Yachiyo.

"You're adorable when you're like this, Akira." Yachiyo hummed as they patted her on the head.

Akira smiled, even though Yachiyo could not see it. She liked the compliments they gave her. She never really told them that, but they probably guessed it from how she reacted to them.

Akira yawned and curled closer. Someone had kept her awake far too late last night. She wanted to sleep in. However, their peace was disturbed by someone knocking on the door.

"Hey, you said you'd be down for breakfast. Twenty minutes." Michiru was at the door.

"Okay!" Yachiyo replied for the two of them.

Akira frowned. So much for getting to sleep in like this. She would have to make due. She had no idea how today was going to go. All she knew was she was getting all the attention. If Yachiyo tried anything, she would do it to them instead. Well, as long as they would go along with it.

Akira was sure Yachiyo would catch on to her wants soon enough. They'd probably give in. They got way more affection from her than she did them. They wouldn't mind one day, would they?

"Akiki~ Come on. No sleeping in. I'd love to as well, but Michiru-senpai will be mad." Yachiyo said as she tapped Akira on the shoulder.

Akira let out a small huff and pulled away. She sat up and stretched. Yachiyo followed her lead. They leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Akira smiled and returned the kiss. That was one of the few things she would allow still.

"Good morning~" Yachiyo hummed.

"Morning." Akira replied.

They both got out of the bed and changed out of their pajamas. They made their way down to the kitchen next. Shiori was helping Michiru cook. Mei Fan was standing off to the side and handing them anything they needed.

"Morning." Michiru greeted, them both returning the greeting.

It was not long before they were all eating breakfast together. They were discussing what to do today.

"I wanted to go see a new shop that opened up." Shiori said, "They seem to have a lot of things there."

"Hmm? Care if I join?" Michiru asked.

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