Unusual Request

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It was a nice quiet morning. The buzzing of an alarm drew Yachiyo out of a dream and back to reality. They yawned and sleepily reached over and turned it off. The sun was shining into their room, making everything nice and warm.

Yachiyo yawned again and nuzzled deeper into the bed, well Akira's bed to be exact. The warmth of the room was easily dragging them back to sleep. They let out a soft sigh and drifted back off to sleep. As they did, they felt something run through their hair. Yachiyo was too cozy and content to react and simply allowed sleep to claim them again.

Beside them, Akira was awake. She was gently combing her hand through their hair. Normally she would have stopped them from going back to bed, but since it was summer, she decided it was fine if they slept in.

Akira carefully shifted so that now Yachiyo was laying on top of her. The movement had unfortunately stirred them out of their slumber. Yachiyo sleepily blinked up at Akira for a moment, before settling down against her comfortably.

Akira pressed a soft kiss to their head, "Love you..."

"...ve you... too..." Yachiyo seemed barely able to form a coherant sentence at the moment.

"You can go back to bed." Akira said, running a hand over their back.

Yachiyo sighed in content and it wasn't long at all before they were back asleep. Akira stared at them for a while. They always looked cute when they first woke up. Their hair was a mess, going every which way. The look in their eyes as they tried to wake up was also something Akira found adorable. Of course, she would never say that to their face.

Akira smiled and closed her eyes. It was a peaceful morning. With most of the students having gone home for the summer break, the dorms were definitely a lot more quiet now. A few remained for many reasons, but they caused no trouble.

Akira opened her eyes as a soft knock sounded on the door. The door opened and Shiori came into the room.

"Good morning." Shiori greeted her, "Are you going to come down for breakfast with us?"

Akira looked down at Yachiyo, "I don't see that happening today."

Shiori giggled, "Yachiyo-senpai always loves to sleep in."

Akira nodded along, "Yeah, that they do. I'll give them it since it's break."

"Well, I'll let you be then." Shiori quietly shut the door and left.

Akira looked at Yachiyo again. They had shifted in their sleep, now being splayed out on top of her instead of curled up on her body. And they were now hugging her tightly. Akira rolled her eyes. Yachiyo was an unpredictable sleeper.

Akira brushed the hair away that had fallen onto their face. She combed it down to its normal position for a moment, before pausing. She had... wanted to play around with Yachiyo's hair for a while now. Try our different styles on them and see how it looked. She had just never gotten the courage to ask Yachiyo if she could. Mainly because she knew they'd definitely start teasing her for it.

But, they were asleep. They would never know if she just... messed around for a bit, right? It couldn't hurt to have some fun, right?

Akira decided it was fine and slowly started gathering up all of Yachiyo's hair. She started just simply having it be normal, instead of it all being pushed to their right side. Akira had only ever seen them wear it that way when they had just showered. They never had it this way any other time. Even at night, it still was all on their right side, just not as curly as normal.

Akira had a few hairties on her nightstand, so she grabbed one. She pulled Yachiyo's hair into a loose ponytail. It was a cute style. She confirmed even more how much she would like to see Yachiyo choose to wear different hairstyles from time to time.

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