Hopeless Disaster

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It was getting late in the afternoon. The sun was starting to set. Akira had finally finished up all the work she had wanted to do today. Michiru was out for a week due to a family emergency, though she never said what. Akira was taking on the bulk of her work in her absense.

It wasn't that she didn't trust the others to do it properly, it was just that she didn't feel it was right to spring a lot of complicated work on them so suddenly.

She let out a sigh as she put the folder into its place. At least that was finally done with. Tomorrow started the weekend. She had more free time now. Speaking of that, she wondered what the others were up to at this time.

Everyone else had slowly left as they finished their work pile for the day. Yachiyo had stayed for about an extra hour but then Mei Fan asked them to help with something, so they left. Akira didn't mind. Sure, it was a little too quiet without Yachiyo around now, but she could manage it.

Akira stood up and stretched a bit. She had been sitting there for quite some time. She had really only gotten up to get a drink once or twice. She just wanted to get the work done as soon as she could.

Akira made sure everything was where it should be and then she exited the room. After locking the door and double checking it, she headed to the dorm. A few teachers were around the school still. None payed her any mind as she walked by. That was for the best. She didn't feel like holding a conversation with any staff right now.

It wasn't a long walk to the dorms, but it felt like it. She entered the building. Surprisingly there didn't seem to be too many students around. She located Yachiyo first.

They were in the living room, doing something on their phone. Akira sat down next to them and looked over. It seemed they were playing a game.

"Finally done?" Yachiyo paused from what they were doing to look at her.

Akira nodded, "Yeah. We should be good for a while now."

"That's good. Without Michiru-senpai here having extra work is even worse."

"What are you doing?" Akira nodded to their phone.

"Oh. I ran into Kaoruko last weekend and we talked for a bit. She mentioned this game so I thought I'd try it out." Yachiyo replied.

"What do you do?" Akira wasn't very knowledgeable on games at all.

"You have this character that you play as. You go around this world and do quests for people all while trying to accomplish the end goal which is to get passed this mountain that's currently blocked off." Yachiyo explained, hoping that was simple enough for her to understand.

"All these quests help you do that?"

"Only the main quests. There's a lot of side quests you can do to help people and gain experience or supplies for your journey."

"Seems like a long game."

"Yeah. I've been playing it for a week now and I'm nowhere near getting to that mountain yet." Yachiyo nodded, "I'm stuck on a boss fight. I need to get better weapons to fight it with."

"A boss? So this game involves fighting?"

Yachiyo nodded again, "Yep. There's bad guys around that try to stop you. This is one of them. I can show you if you wanna watch."

Akira shrugged. The game sounded interesting but she wasn't sure she really understood it yet. Maybe if she watched a bit of it she'd get a better grasp on what it was.

Yachiyo returned to the game and started playing again. Akira watched. It seemed very confusing. There were a lot of buttons on the screen. Yachiyo was pressing a lot of them. Akira didn't know how they remembered what was what.

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