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There weren't many things that could make Michiru mad. At least, not make her mad enough to take action against it. But, she had reached that point with a certain someone again. However, she didn't want to be the one to deal with it this time.

"Akira, please go and retrieve all the magazines Yachiyo has taken for "research" purposes. I'm sick of never having any to look at when I need them for stuff."

"Why are you making me do it?"

"Because you're the one who has the best change of getting them to give in. Everytime I've done it they always try and dodge the question unless I trap them from running away."

"Just because we're dating doesn't mean everything involving them needs to be done by me."

"Just go. Please?"


And that was how Akira found herself in this position. She was currently outside of Yachiyo's room. She wasn't sure how to start the converastion yet. Something told her that it wasn't going to be as easy as just asking for them back and getting them.

She knocked on the door and then entered. Yachiyo was on their bed, doing homework from the look of it.

"Can I help you?" They hummed as they looked up at her.

"I've been sent to retrieve the stash of magazines you've stolen." Akira stated as she crossed her arms, "So if you would please just hand them over, I'd appreciate it."

Yachiyo huffed, "Who set you up for this?"

"Who do you think?" Akira rolled her eyes, "Will you please just give them back? You aren't the only one who reads them looking for inspiration."

"You can take them over my dead body." Yachiyo hummed playfully.

Akira sighed. She had known it wouldn't be easy, but that didn't mean she hadn't hoped it would be. But of course Yachiyo just had to make everything more complicated.

"What do you even need all of them for?" Akira questioned, "I really doubt you need them all."

Yachiyo pouted, "Who are you say how I gather my information?"

"Where are they?"

"Uh-uh. I'm not talking." Yachiyo smirked at her.

Akira sighed again. Looks like she wasn't getting out of this the easy way. Guess she had no choice but to play along a bit. Otherwise she doubted Yachiyo was ever going to tell her anything about where on earth they were hiding all of these magazines at.

"Then I'll just have to make you talk." Akira walked toward them.

"Good luck with that."

Akira got right in their face and grabbed them by their chin, "Oh? I think it'll be quite easy to accomplish my goal."

Internally, Akira was having a crisis. This was embarrassing. Normally some improv like this was nothing, but doing this to Yachiyo was making her heart race. Mainly because she knew exactly where this scene could be taken with a few certain moves.

"You underestimate me." Yachiyo shot back.

As confident as they sounded, their body said otherwise. They were blushing quite hard. They looked nervous as they stared at Akira.

"If you don't tell me the location of your hoard of magazines, I'll have to pull some... drastic measures to get it out of you." Akira threatened as she got even closer to their face. How she was managing to stay composed was even beyond her.

"Y-you... you..." Yachiyo didn't seem able to form a sentence.

"I what, Yachiyo?"

"Y-you... you're so unfair..."

Two of a Kind: A Revue Starlight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now