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It was far too late to be in the school. The halls were dark. Everything was shut and locked. There was not a soul to be found. This probably wasn't even legal.

The only sound was the quite humming of the electricity and the very feint patter of shoes on the ground. It was dead silent and honestly a little spooky.

So, why were they in the school so late at night? They were looking for something. Well, someone to be exact.

They came to a stop outside a room. After a moment, they opened the door and stepped in. The lights were still on. They had been correct in assuming where said person would be.

"Hmm? Jeez, just how tired were you to fall asleep here of all places, Akira?"

It was definitely a sight to see. The normally composed Frau Platin carelessly falling asleep while at work. Yachiyo almost laughed at it. How many times had one of them been scolded by her for doing this exact thing and yet here they were now. It was not something they had ever planned to encounter. Akira was never careless enough to let on when she was feeling tired while at school.

Yachiyo closed the door and walked over to her. They decided to look at what she had been doing before this. There wasn't much to go by. Surprisingly the table didn't have much paperwork on it. There were just a few pages here and there.

So... if she hadn't been doing paperwork, what had she been doing? Yachiyo was at a loss for that answer. They'd have to ask her that most likely. Which brought them to the task at hand. They needed to wake her up. It wasn't good to sleep here.

"Akira~" Yachiyo shook her, "Get up sleepy head."

No movement. Yachiyo sighed. Of course it wouldn't be that easy. What did they do then? Was there anything else that may wake her?

"Akira." Yachiyo tried again, shaking her harder. It had the same effect. Nothing.

Yachiyo groaned. Great. They weren't waking her at this rate. Now what? They probably could carry her back to the dorms. But that was quite a long walk and they were quite tired. They might not make it that far. Or at least not get there without a lot of struggling. Especially with how dark it was.

"Akira, please." Yachiyo tried poking and pinching her. Anything to get her actually awake. Unfortunately it seemed she was dead asleep.

"You really must've been exhausted..." Yachiyo muttered to themself, "Nothing is gonna wake you, is it?"

They took a deep breath and debated their options. At this point they really had two to work with. Either they tried and carried her to the dorms of they just left her here. What was the best option?

Yachiyo glanced at the clock. It was already midnight. Great. Well, better choose something to do. It would be better to get her into an actual bed but...

They'd try. Hopefully they wouldn't have any problems. Their biggest worry was just tripping over something that they didn't see in the dark. That wouldn't end well.

Yachiyo didn't bother being careful and simply started moving Akira into a position where they would be able to grab her. It would be better that the movement woke her but they doubted it would. She really was just dead to the world. She wasn't normally that heavy of a sleeper. She'd at least react to movement nearby if she didn't exactly wake up. But even that never happened.

"Alright... if I go down I'm blaming you for it." Yachiyo muttered as they picked her up, "You didn't need to be this complicated."

While they were complaining a lot in their head, they weren't actually mad at her. It was honestly not that bad. It gave them new material to tease her about now. Though if they weren't careful she would take the teasing as them being mad...

Two of a Kind: A Revue Starlight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now