Christmas Surprise

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"Ooh~ these are cute!"

"Why are we here?"

"You said you needed an outfit for the Christmas party."

"It's fine. I don't need anything. I'm sure I have something that'll work."

"Come on, at least look." Yachiyo pouted, "Since we're here."

"Fine..." Akira agreed.

Yachiyo had asked Akira to accompany them on a little shopping trip. They kept the true reason hidden until now.

There was a Christmas party Akira's family was hosting and Yachiyo was trying to help her find an outfit for it. They knew it was tough. Akira didn't have an accepting family, so to convince her to actually wear a dress would be a challenge. Yachiyo was prepared, though. They really wanted to get her to wear a dress. But, they were prepared to be rejected in the end. That didn't mean they still wouldn't try, though.

"I heard you telling Michiru-senpai you'd wear a suit. I'm not having that. We're finding you a dress." Yachiyo stated.

"Yachiyo..." Akira sighed in annoyance, "It's one night. I'll survive in a suit "

"But then you'll be grouchy all night and I don't want a grouchy girlfriend." Yachiyo replied.

"And what are you going to do if there's backlash?"

"I'm gonna be with you the entire night. I'm sure we can handle it together." Yachiyo said.

"You aren't giving this up, are you?" Akira eyed them up.

"Nope. Not unless I have to." Yachiyo replied smugly.

"Then I guess lead the way." Akira resigned to her fate for the moment. Maybe later they could have a talk in more depth about the trouble a dress would cause.

Yachiyo smiled and led her to a rack of dresses. They looked through them, studying each dress. Akira did the same, though out of boredom. She really didn't care to shop for a dress for herself.

"Well, that's certainly an interesting color." Yachiyo pulled out a neon orange dress.

"I don't know anyone who'd wear that." Akira commented, "It hurts to look at."

"Yeah. Definitely not anyone's style that I know of." Yachiyo put it back on the rack and continued their search.

Akira was casually skimming through the rack when a dress caught her eye. She looked at it for a while, before finally pulling it out of the rack.

"Hmm?" Yachiyo was surprised she did so, "Ooh, that's really pretty."

"I remember being younger and seeing this dress somewhere." Akira said, "Guess it still is in style."

"You should try it on!" Yachiyo prompted, "Please?"

Akira eyed the dress. She wasn't too sure about it. Sure, it was a really nice dress. She honestly would like to wear it. But, she didn't think she could pull it off. It wasn't meant for someone like her. None of these were. She couldn't look good in them.

"Come on. Please, Akira?" Yachiyo gave her a pleading look.

"Fine..." Akira gave in.

She hesitantly entered the changing room. Yachiyo waited outside for her. They knew it might take a while before she came out. They were willing to wait.

Akira let out a nervous sigh as locked the door to one of the changing rooms. She hung the dress up and looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a t-shirt and some jeans. Nothing exciting.

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