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There were a few things Akira was aware of as she woke up. One, her head was pounding like hell. Two, she felt really cold. Three, someone was on top of her. Most likely that would be Yachiyo.

Akira opened her eyes to see Yachiyo was indeed the one on her. They smiled as she met their gaze.

"Jeez, not like you to sleep through the alarm."

She hadn't heard the alarm go off? That was a surprise. Then again, she was a little off today. Akira knew she was sick. She had been pushing herself a little too hard. And now she had to face the consequences of her actions.

Yachiyo frowned at her, "Your face is all red. Are you feeling okay?

They didn't wait for an answer and felt her forehead. It was hot.

"You're sick, aren't you? You're burning up." Yachiyo stated.

"I guess I don't feel my best..." Akira mumbled, looking away. This was unbefitting of her.

"Then you're staying in bed today. No school." Yachiyo was firm. They knew Akira was not going to accept that very easily. She was too stubborn for her own good sometimes.

"I'm sure it's nothing that bad." Akira tried to sit up, but Yachiyo pushed her back down with surprising ease.

"Yeah, no. If I could take you down that fast, you are not going to school." Yachiyo shut her down again, "You're weak right now. I don't know that I'd trust you not to fall over."

"Yachiyo, I'm fine." Akira insisted, "It's really not that bad."

"Do I need to get Michiru-senpai? I'm sure she'll give you an earful for this." Yachiyo threatened, not knowing what else to say.

Akira winced slightly as her head pounded hard, "Please don't bring her into this."

"Then you're staying in bed." Yachiyo stated again.

Akira sighed, "Fine..."

"Though, I think you should get cleaned up. You're all sweaty." Yachiyo commented, "Think you can stand?"

"I can't tell if you won't get off of me."

Yachiyo silently slid off of her and stood up. They were at least glad she had some fight in her. That meant whatever she had wasn't that bad. If she wasn't able to fight back they'd be a lot more worried about her.

Akira sat up. Her head started hurting more. She groaned slightly as she placed a hand on her head. Yachiyo frowned and hugged her. Akira leaned against them as she tried to regain herself. This was going to be tough.

"Maybe you shouldn't get up yet." Yachiyo said in worry.

"Just give me a minute."

Yachiyo wanted to offer to go and see if they could find any medicine for her, but seeing as they were practically supporting all of her weight, that didn't seem very possible. They'd have to wait for a bit.

"Why don't you lay back down?" Yachiyo suggested.

"I can do it."

Yachiyo very much doubted that. Akira was like a deadweight on their side right now. There was no way she was getting up anytime soon. Now to just get her to agree to that.

"Akira, you're killing me here. You're heavy. Please just lay down. I can't hold you up for that long." Yachiyo tried a different approach.

Akira silently laid back down. She didn't seem very thrilled by that. She just wanted to get up and go about her day. However it seemed her body did not want to cooperate with her. And she absolutely hated that fact.

Two of a Kind: A Revue Starlight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now