Axl Rose #1 (part 2 - Alternate ending)

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Enjoy ya'll

The next morning I woke up to a tear stained pillow on the couch. I had to sleep down here because I felt that it was more safe than dealing with Axl after what happened.

   I get up and head toward the bathroom. When I got inside, the person staring at me in the mirror scared the shit out of me. The left side of my face was all black and purple from where I got hit and my nose was purple, blue, and a little red from the blood.

This is not the person I was use to seeing and definately not the person I worked how to become.

After I washed my face a bit I decided that I should eat something. I almost had a heart attack because when I opened the door Axl was standing right there as if he was ready to knock. Seeing his fist mid air cause a shudder to breeze through my body.

"We need to talk." He then made his way to the kitchen where there was food set up on the table. I followed behind him hesitently to the table where he pulled out my chair.

"I know what happened last night was a bump in our relationship," his nonchalant attitude caused me to scoff and cross my arms.

"You call that a bump? A bump is when your knee comes in contact with the side of the couch and you can brush it off in a matter of seconds like it never happened. What happened between us was far more severe than just a bump Axl-" I began to rant

"Just hear me out-" He tried to hold my hand over the table but I snatched it away.

"No I don't give a shit about what you have to say or the excuses you're trying to make to justify what you did. YOU hurt me and I'll never be able to look at you the same." I get up and start to walk away but not without Axl close on my tail.

"Babe I'm really sorry for what I did last night. I was tired and I just wanted to go to bed. I get enough already with the fucking dickhead paps taking pictures all the damn time and just making up stories. I didn't need to to hear it from the woman I love. Hearing it from you just triggered something and I couldn't control it."

"And that makes it right? If you loved me as much as you say you do then it shouldn't have escalated as far as it did!" I whip around to yell at him, "Look at my fucking face!"

" Fuck I had no idea I even hit you that hard."

"Yeah well you did. It's amazing to me that you just think that 'Sorry babe' is just going to fix this. I'm hurt in more ways that just physical. You broke my trust and I don't feel safe around you anymore."

"So what are you trying to say?" He said taking a step back from me trying to read my emotions. To be honest my emotion are all over the place but I know for a fact that he knows what I'm trying to say.

"This isn't going to work. It was nice while it lasted but this is it."

"You can't be serious. What about all that we've been through? All that we've built together? We're supposed to be getting married and you're gonna throw it away because of one fight we had?"

I stand there a minute to let what he said register in my brain before I decided what my next move was. I take a deep breathe and closed the gap inbetween Axl and I with an embrace. The warm embrace was short but felt like a lifetime. I let go of him and made deep eye contact before drawing back my fist and punched him in the bridge of his nose.

"What the fuck?!" he yelled stumbling backwards holding on to his nose.

"One for one. You threw our relationship away when you put your hands on me and I'm not going to give you the opportunity to make this mistake again."

A lot of people were saying they would beat his ass and honestly so would I

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