Pete Townshend #1

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Birds are chirping rather loudly, the sun is pretty hot on my skin, and it's kind of cold. Who the hell left the window open? I open my eyes only to be blinded by the bright sun. My eyes shut quick and I cover my face with the covers.

Note to self: murder Pete for torturing me this early in the morning.

I slowly uncover my face. This time prepped for the light. 9:39 am my clock tells me. Hm not even that early. I look over to my left only to be met with empty sheets.

Odd I thought Pete would still be here. I emerge from my warm bed and go on the hunt for my boyfriend where ever it may have been he disappeared to. We don't have that big of a place so it's not like he can be hiding. He's too tall anyway.

I didn't spend that much time looking for him before being met with a note on the refrigerator.

"Good Morning Love,

sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up this morning, but I hope you have a lovely day.

I had rehearsals to attend to this morning, but I will see you this evening.

I Love You


I crumbled up the note and threw it across the room I only asked for two days to spend with him: our anniversary and my birthday and today was one of those days. He promised me.

My deep thought was broken when the phone rang.


"Hey darling happy birthday."

"Thank you mom."

"You don't sound like you're having a very happy birthday what happened?" she asked concerned

"It's nothing I just woke up so I'm still kind of asleep."

"Oh okay what do you and petey have planned for today?"

"Nothing really. Maybe just dinner I'm not sure yet."

"Well have a good time I Love you."

"Love you too ma." We hung up and I went to go get dressed. My own boyfriend doesn't want to spend time with me then fine. I'll go treat myself to some fun. On him of course

5 hours of shopping, eating, and pampering hasn't changed my mood at all. I'm still pissed. I'm at the point where I'm ready to lash out. And as if right on cue Pete walks through the door.

"Ah hello dear how was your day? You didn't miss me too much did you?" he asks approaching me trying to hug me.

"It was alright. I spent most of the day wanting to punch you in the face." I say flashing him with a fake smile and pushing his arms away

"Punch me for what?" he asked sounding confused

"Oh where to start?  I asked for two specific days out of your busy year and you bail on me. I end up spending the day alone because the one person I set all my plans aside for decided to ditch me to go work. You left the window open which was an inconvenience this morning.  And the icing on the cake is that you think you can just come in here and expect me to jump in your arms and welcome you with hugs and kisses. Well guess what I want to fucking punch you in the face for a shitty birthday."

"(y/n) I am so sorry. I completely forgot. I-"

"I suggest you choose your words correctly because I don't like the sound of the person I love forgetting about me. Especially on an important day of my life." I say turning away from him

"I know I know and I really am sorry. Things with the band have been getting pretty hectic and demanding. I didn't even realize that we had things scheduled for today since we've been moving so fast. I'm sorry please let me make it up to you tonight?" he pleads

"How do you expect to do that? Build a time machine and restart the day?"

"Well I can't do that, but let me take you out. Just you and me."

"I don't know Pete." I say turning back to him to meet his puppy dog blue eyes. One of my many weaknesses.

"Alright fine. Let's go." I walk past him out the door to his car. He drove for a while before coming to a stop in front of some kind of warehouse building

"Um where are we?"

"Our evening plans. Before we go in let me put his blindfold on you."

"Why? What for?"

"You'll find out. Please trust me."

"Alright." I wait for him to put on the blindfold and its extremely dark.

"Can you see anything?"


"Good. Just hold onto my hand and I'll guide you. I wont let you fall I promise." He grabs my hand and begin to pull me forward. It was extremely silent.

"Ready?" he asks letting go of my hand

"Sure?" he then takes off my blindfold and my heart nearly jumps out of chest

"SURPRISE!" The large amount of people shout at me. Among them numbers of familiar faces.

"Happy birthday darling. Hope you like it." Keith says engulfing me in a hug.

"Oh wow thank you I love it."

"Thank lover boy over here. He's been planning this for weeks." Roger says motioning towards Pete

I pull Pete towards me into a kiss by the collar of his shirt.

"Thank you. And I'm sorry for blowing up on you earlier. I had no idea you were doing all of this."

"That's actually the whole concept of a 'Surprise party' darling. Have you not had one?" he asks laughing a bit

"Never." I laugh with him

"Well you're welcome and apology accepted." He says pulling me back in for another kiss.

A birthday for the books.

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