Krist Novoselic #1

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(Smut warning)

So what if I had a few drinks? And so what if I flirted with a few guys? And so what if I decided to take Krist Novoselic home with me. It's not like he's complaining about it. He's just as drunk as me. It was that kind of party.

I fumbled with my keys out of my purse, while Krist is kissing my exposed shoulder. His chest is pushed against my back, and his arms wrapped around my waist. I get the key in the lock and open the door. We walk in and I turn in his arms. Our lips meet. He kicks the door closed with his foot, as I slip off my flats, all without breaking the kiss.

He backs me up against a wall. He reaches down and lifts my legs up, wrapping them around his waist. My hands get tangled in his dark locks.

He pulls back just as breathless as I am. "Couch or bed?"

"Couch. It's closer."

I lean back in, biting his bottom lip. He grabs my ass as he walks into the kitchen.

I can't help the bubble of laughter thay claims out of my mouth. "The living room is the other way."

He scoffs. "Right. I knew that."

I shake my head. "Yeah. Sure you did"

He turns and walks to the living room. He lays us on the couch, our mouths connect. He sits up throwing off his shirt as quickly as possible. He tugs the top of ny dress down and pops my breast into his mouth. I groan softly.

"Are you having sex on my couch!?"

Our heads whip to the doorway. My roommate stands there, her face look as if she had been scared for life.

I pull up my dress back up, a small blush coloring my cheeks, "Sex? On your couch? Never. We know...cuddling."

"If you're gonna get laid, please please please take it to your room upstairs. Please."

And with that, she walked away quickly with her head down back to her room, I suppose. I look at Krist and we both start laughing.

"Get off me. We need to head upstairs."

We get up and run to my bedroom. We slip out of our clothes and he sits on my bed. I then crawl up on he bed, straddling his. He kisses between my breast. My hand runs over his happy trail, before brushing along his manhood. He makes a sound in the backs of his throat that makes my core ache.

"Put it in. Baby do it. Please."

And so I do. And boy do we go at it like animals. The last thing I remember is calling out his name as my orgasm ran wild, then we curled up and fell into a deep sleep.

The sun shined harshly onto my face through my open curtains which was bothering me. I push the hair off my face and open my eyes, sitting up with the blanket covering my chest. I look at the clock and see that's it 11:47 in the morning. I glance beside me and see that I'm in bed all alone. I sigh getting up and going to the closet.I grab a shirt before going to the dresser and getting on some bottoms.

As I'm heading down the stairs, a heavenly aroma hits me hard. I head into the kitchen and see food. So. Much. Food. But who cooked it?

"Good morning, beautiful."

I look at Krist, who is pouring a glass of Orange juice. "You're still here?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be here? I can't just sleep with you and leave. Besides, I wanted to make you breakfast and ask you a question.?

I stroll over to the table and pick up a piece of toast, "What's your question?" I take a bite of the toast, looking at him.

He sips his orange juice before speaking. "I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend. Since you know, we did all that last night."

I nearly choke on the bread, "You want me to be YOUR girlfriend?" He nods. "But you're Krist Novoselic."

"I am. So what's your point? If I wasn't Krist Novoselic would you have already said yes to me?"

"Well yeah. So my answer is hell yeah. I'd love to be your girlfriend."


A door down the hall opens, followed by the shuffle of feet. My roommate appears in the doorway. Her eyes wine at the sight of food.

"Woah. Where did all this come from? Who cooked?"

I point to Krist. "He did."

"Bro, if you don't claim him I will cause he is a keeper."

I laugh walking over to Krist. "He is keeper. My keeper."

Then I kiss him.

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