Axl Rose #1 (part 2)

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  The next morning I woke up to a tear stained pillow on the couch. I had to sleep down here because I felt that it was more safe than dealing with Axl after what happened.

   I get up and head toward the bathroom. When I got inside the person staring at me in the mirror scared the shit out of me. The left side of my face was all black and purple from where I got hit and my nose was purple, blue, and a little red from the blood.

After I washed my face a bit I decided that I should eat something. I almost had a heart attack because when I opened the door Axl was standing right there.

"We need to talk." He then made his way to the kitchen where there was food set up on the table. I followed behind him to the table where he pulled out my chair.

"I know what happened last night was a bump in our relationship."

"It was more than a bump. It was a knot, a hill, a cliff, a fucking avalanche stop me when I reach a term you rather use."

"I'll stick with bump thank you. Just hear me out." He tried to hold my hand over the table but I snatched it away.

"Babe I'm really sorry for what I did last night. I was tired and I just wanted to go to bed. I get enough already with the fucking dickhead paps taking pictures all the damn time and just making up stories. I didn't need to to hear it from the woman I love. Hearing it from you just triggered something and I couldn't control it."

Should I believe him? I know it's only the first time it's happen but I want it to be the only time.

"Come on babe don't cry." I didn't even know I was crying until he wiped a tear away. I winced in pain because it was on my left side.

"What's wrong?" He asked pulling his hand away.

"Nothing." I turned my face away from him so he couldn't see.

"It's not nothing y/n. Let me see." He gently grabbed my chin and turned my face so he could see the left.

"Oh shit I did that?" No words could escape my lips so I just nodded.

" Fuck babe I'm so sorry. I had no idea I even hit you that hard." He then pulled me into a tight hug and I cried in his shoulder.

"I promise I'll never place a mother hand on your beautiful face." I pulled away from his hug and placed a kiss on his lips.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said that shit to you. I went overboard." He kissed me again.

"I love you Axl."

"I love you too Mrs. Rose."

Yeah part two was kind of lame.
Fuck it.

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