Chris Cornell #1

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(Smut Warning)
    Life is great. Life wasn't always great. But then I met Chris. And he made today the best day of my life. But to understand today, you'd have to know about the past, our past. Let me explain.

I pressed the buzzer on the gate around the house. The sun was shining bright, causing me to squint. A gently breeze swept over me. It blew my hair around.

A crack came from the speaker, followed by a deep voice. "Who are you?"

"Mr. Cornell? It's me, Y/N."

Not a word more and I was let in. The gates opening. I walk through and up the path. The house is modest, painted a cream color. I walk up the front steps and knock on the door.

It's opened revealing Chris Cornell, the one and only. He is dressed in fadded blue jeans and a plan white shirt. He looks down at me with emotionless eyes. "You are late. I don't tolerate people who show up late."

"I'm so sorry Mr. Cornell. It's just I slept in late and I forgot what today was and..."

"Hush. Follow me." He turns and walks farther into the house.

I follow him in. The floors are wood. They shine and reflect. There is a stair case a few paces away. To my right is a doorway that leads into the living room. To my left there is a door leading to I have no clue, but am guessing it's the kitchen.

"Y/N come on. We have much to discuss. I do have other things to do."

I walk straight down a hall. Chris stands by a door, which he opens once I'm beside him. He ushers me in. It's a study office type thing. There is a desk with a swivel chair behind it and two plush chairs in front of it. There are a few filing cabinets and beside them is a decent sized window, which is open.

I sit in a chair as Chris takes his seat. He folds his arms on the desk looking at me. I take the time to assess him. I do like what I see. And, if I'm lucky it'll all be mine.

"So," he begins, "you want to be my submissive. Why?"

I take a moment to think. "I can't explain why. I just feel like I want to submit myself to you. I've never felt that way."

"So you don't know what submitting holds? You have no idea how to submit."

"Normally no. But for you I want to."

He leans back in his chair. He smirks a little. "Stand up and strip. I want to see what I'm working with here, and clothes just hide all that."

I do. I don't feel embarrassed. If this makes him happy I'll do it for him. He doesn't move anything but his eyes. Before I know it, he says he'll allow me to be his submissive and that I'll live with him for the time being. He also requests that I stay up, saying he'll want to try some things out later once he's not busy.
.........late that evening..........
I lay in the pajamas I grabbed from my shared apartment earlier. My room is on the opposite side of the hall from the study and two doors down. The walls are white, the bed plush with white sheets. The lights are dim and soft music plays from the radio.

My door creaks open, a shirtless Chris stepping in. He smiles when he sees me. "You're awake. Good." He has a bag in hand. He sits on the edge of my bed. "Stand up in front of me."

I do. He looks me up and down before commanding me to strip. I happily oblige. He grabs my wrist, pulling me between his legs. His hands go to my waist as he looks up at me with lusty eyes.

"You are a really gorgeous girl, Y/N. I'm glad you are mine. And only mine."

I get butterflies in my stomach. My heart skips a beat. A hot blush covers my cheeks. And, its all because of those simple words, his claim of me.

He tied me to the bed and blindfolded me. He spreads my legs. I feel his hot breath at my core. His tongue darts out, licking my entrance. When its wet enough, he slides a vibrator in slowly. The bed shifts and I hear his bare feet on the floor, then the door opening and closing. I lay there feeling nothing but confused and pleasured. The door opens and closes again, followed by the slapping of feet. The bed dips and his warmth is back. He kisses my jaw with slightly wet lips. When he gets to my neck, something cold joins his warm lips. I suddenly realize it's ice.

He slides the ice down my body, around both nipples, and down to my aching core. My body spasms at the sensation. He continues his frozen assault. My climax coming closer and closer.

"S...sir, m...may...may I....ahhhhhhhh....may I come?" I ask, so close to my breaking point.

Then, suddenly everything is gone. The ice, his lips, the vibrator all gone. I whimper as my need to release rages inside.
I feel him move around and then his hands are on my hips. "I plan to fuck you into next week. But, for this one time I'll settle for just fucking your brains out. You will not come till I say, understand?"

I nod. "Yes, sir. I understand."

Then, he's ramming into me. I cry out. He keeps to his word. It feels good, great, no its fucking amazing. I'm yearning for more, as if sensing that he goes harder and faster. And I'm there again, at my peak, the need to come stronger than ever. But, I force it down. I cannot, no, I will not come and upset my dom.

He's grunting, groaning, panting. It's music to my ears. It makes it harder to keep from exploding. I wonder how long we can go like this for. Having at it like animals, its something I've never done before.

"Come," he says, as he thrusts as hard and fast as he can.

He doesn't have to tell me twice. I burst, falling apart at the seams. My mind going blank except for the wonderful feeling of my awesome ass orgasm.

He comes right along with me. "Ahhhhh!"

He collapses ontop of me, his breathing erratic, just as mine is. After a moment he reaches up, untying my hands and taking of the blind fold. He brings my wrists to his lios and kisses them.

But, that was all a year ago now. He had proposed the idea of trying for something more mainstream. I of course said yes. And, here we are now. He and I have a little bit of normal and a little bit of hardcore.

Arms wrap around me from behind me as I stand in front of the stove making breakfast. Slightly chapped lips desend onto my neck, placing soft butterfly kisses there.

"Good morning, Chris. How did you sleep?"

"Terrific with you by my side. Changing my life to be a socially more accepted lifestyle was the best idea I've ever had."

"Glad you think so. I'm glad you decided to change with me being in your life."

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