Dave Grohl #1

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(Smut warning)

"Dave, can you stop pacing? You're going to burn a hole into the carpet."

He's been doing this since I told him that we're going to dinner with my parents tomorrow. I don't see what the fuss is. If anything I should be the one pacing and being nervous. My parents are an embarrassing couple; they do everything in their power to make me want to run and hide.

Dave stops and stares at me. "You seriously can't go to dinner with them alone?"

I shake my head, before standing and walking to him. I take his hands in mine. "What has you so on edge about going to meet my parents?"

"Babe, they are your parents. That's what has me on edge. They could hate me."

"They won't. I know they won't because they already know so much about you. You just have to relax and be you. The crazy cute man I fell in love with."

"I just need to do something to keep me occupied."

"I think I can help with that," I say with a smirk.

With that, I pull him to our bedroom, closing the door behind us. I peel off his clothes and push him on to the bed.

"Are we gonna play babe?" Dave asks.

I hum as I think about it. "Is that what you want? You want to play?"

He nods eagerly. "Yes, please."

"Alright. Arms up. I'll go get the stuff."

I walk over to a chest under the window, where I hide the toys and bondage equipment and the like. My eyes roam over the objects. I pull out two pairs of handcuffs. I'm so picky and indecisive when it ccomes to the actual toys themselves.

"Dave, what would you like?" I ask as I glance over at him.

He silent for a moment. "Can we use a whip or a flogger this time, Mistress?"

I hum before grabbing a black and red flogger. "May I blind fold you today pet?"

"Yes, miss. Can we use a clamp too?" He questions excitedly.

"Hmmm. Alright."

I grab a couple nipple clamps. I sand gathering my items and procede to the bed. I drop the objects on to the edge of the bed. I grab both pairs of hand cuffs and climb ontop of him, brushing my lips over his torso. I bite gently at his neck, earning a few silent moans from him.

I sit up on him. "Hands, please."

He holds his hands out to me. I smile and wrap the cuffs around his wrists. With the other pair, I hook one side to the chain on his cuffs, the lean forward and cuff the other end to the bed rail post.

"The cuffs aren't too tight, right? If so I can loosen them."

He shakes his head. "They are fine."

I lean back, snag up the blindfold, and secure it over his eyes. I kiss him fervently. He responds back the same way. Slowly, I trease my way down to his nipples. Once there, I bite, suck, lick, and tease them both till they are hard little beads.

I lean back again, grabbing the clamps. "I'm going to put on the clamps now, so don't freak out."

"Yes, miss," he whispers.

I place them on. Hearing his sharp intake I ask if he's okay and demand that if he isn't okay then I will take them off. He tells me he's fine.

So I continue to kiss, bite, and lick his flesh. I graze my teeth over the head of his penis. He groans as I take him in my mouth. I suck and lick till I taste the saltiness of his precum. I slip off the bed. Taking the flogger in my hand, I calculate every blow in my head.

The first hit is soft against his stomach. He gasps. I ask if he's okay, before proceeding when he says yes. The next strike lands on his thigh, then his other one. I do one blow over the clamps. One on each arm. If he were standing I could get in more shots, but this is fine. As I go the blows get a bit harder. The final one strikes several minutes later and I land it on his leaking dick.

He's panting. His flesh is red. I strip off my clothes, before climbing on top of him. I slide off the blind fold. He looks up at we with lusty eyes, causing me to smirk. I kiss him, sliding my tongue into his mouth. Our tongues twine.

I pull back to grnd against him. His eyes seem to darken more, begging me to let him release. I don't want to yet. So, I tease, of course.

"Miss, please," he begs.

I nod, and slides his penis inside of me. My walls enveloping his length. I move slowly. The pace increases little by little. His hips have begun to move to meet me, impaling me more. I feel the familiar quivering inside of me.

"Cum," I moan.

And he does, filling me full of his hot semen. This causes me to follow him. My walls milk out every last drop of his orgasm.

I take a second to try to recuperate, before I unhancuff him and take off the clamps. I lay my head on his sweaty chest. I examine his wrists. They are a little raw looking. Nothing that can't be fixed. I massage hid wrists, one at a time.

He kisses the top of my head. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible. I love you way more."

I scoff. "Please. I love you way more."

He chuckles. "Sure." He looks at the clock. "It's still kind of early. Can we go for another round?"

"Round two, let's do it."

Let's just say we did a lot more than just two rounds.

I slip on my flats. "Dave, are you ready? We have to leave or else we'll be late."

He steps out of the  bathroom. He's in a navy blue shirt, dark wash jeans, and black shoes.

"Ready when you are." I take his hand in mine and we head to my parents house. Come to find out they actually loved him more than we both expected.

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