Izzy Stadlin #1

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This is a chapter I requested.

I arrive at the GNR house at around 1 in the afternoon. Being the significant other of Izzy Stadlin I have unlimited access to the house because I have a key.

I walk inside and it is completely trashed. Things must have gotten way out of hand after I left last night.

"What the fuck happened in here?" There were people, trash, clothing, alcohol bottles, and drugs spread out everywhere. It was really disgusting looking.

"Shh everyone is still sleeping. Come here." Izzy whispered yelled over to me from the kitchen.

"How the hell am I suppose to do that with all this shit on the ground? I might step on something or someone." He just shrugged and went back into kitchen.

I did my best to maneuver around everything on the floor avoiding faces, bottles, pipes, needles, and whatever else was on floor finally making my way into the kitchen.

"Looks like you guys had one hell of a time with out me." I laugh a little bit but Izzy just gave me an annoyed look.

"What's wrong Izzy? Was that not funny?"

"Not really. I'm just really sick of this shit you know?"

"What shit?"

"That shit out there. All the partying, the drugs, the passing out one place waking up in another bullshit. It makes no sense and I don't think I can do it anymore."

"So what you're just gonna leave?"

"If that's the only way to escape then that's what I might have to do. I don't want everyone else to end up like Steven."

"Well have you asked the guys to change at all?"

"It's not like they're gonna listen to me. They never do."

"But have you tried. You never know what works unless you try. Give them an ultimatum. Either they clean up their acts or they lose you."

"And you think that would work?"

"Never know unless you try." There was a short silence before we both heard a loud groan come from the mess and up popped up Duff.

"Oh hey Izzy hey y/n when did you get back?"

"About fifteen minutes ago. You look like a mess."

"It was epic last night you should've been here." I look behind him to see the catastrophe that occurred in my absence.

"Nah I'm good on this one."

"Here's some coffee Duff for that hangover you don't seem to have." Izzy hand Duff a mug full of coffee.

"Oh believe me it's there. I've just had enough of them so it doesn't hurt as bad. So what were you guys talking about leaving? Who's going where?"

"We'll talk about it when everyone gets up."

"Alright then. I'm gonna go get cleaned up. I smell like baby prostitutes."

"Well I wasn't going to say anything but I'm glad you noticed." I punched Duff softly in his arm and he went off upstairs.

"Let's go for a walk or something. I don't want to be in here anymore." He takes my hand and we head out the back door to walk the LA streets.

"Thank you again."

"For what?" I answered all kinds of confused.

"For helping me get clean and all that. I have no idea where I would be if you hadn't been here."

"Glad I could be of assistance Mr. Isbell. But seriously are you going to leave the band?" He was silent for a while.

"I'm not sure. I want to stay but I don't want to see one of my best friends die from doing what they do."

"Well whatever you choose I'll stand behind you and support your decision."

"More of a reason to thank you and love you" he pushed his lips against mine a short sweet kiss before breaking it.

"I think we should get back. I'm pretty sure everyone is up now."

"And if they're not?"

"Whistles and air horns are the plan B."

We both laugh while walking hand and hand back the to GNR home.

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