James Hetfield #1

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      It was a little after five when I got home from work today complete forgetting that my boyfriend and his band are away on tour with Guns N Roses which is why I'm  home by myself. Tonight they're in Montreal which is about three hours ahead of San Francisco. They should be performing by now since its around 8 up there.

I sat my purse on the kitchen counter and went over to the fridge to make dinner right as the phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered and all I could hear was a bunch of commotion and yelling.

"Hello?" I asked again and this time someone answered

"Oh shit (y/n) it's Kirk. We have a huge problem here." He sounded worked up

"Chill dude what's the problem?"

"It's James he got hurt pretty bad." My heart dropped at least ten stories and shattered.

"What do you mean he got hurt?! What the fuck happened?!" I asked now sounding just as worked up as him.

"He got burned during the show and he's on his way to the hospital now. He's gonna want you here so how long do you think that's gonna take?"

"I'm gonna take the first flight there so it may be a while but I will be there as soon as I can." We said our farewells and I went to our room to pack for my long trip to Canada.


Plane just landed in Montreal and the guys sent a ride to pick me up when I got to the airport. The driver took me straight to the hospital and gave me all the information I would need. I got to the private floor that James was on nervously went down the halls to his room. When I turned the last corner I saw Lars, Jason, and Kirk sitting on a bench waiting for the doctor.

"(Y/n) you made it." Lars said getting up to hug me and the rest followed.

"Do you guys know what's going on?"

"No we've been waiting for hours." Right as Jason said that the doctor came out.

"Hetfield party?"

"That's us. What the hell is going on?"

"Mr. Hetfield has severe second and third degree burns. It took a while but we were able to treat them. Now he is going to be in a lot of pain for quite some time but he's going to be just fine." After that it felt like a thousand pounds had just been lifted from me soul and I felt a bit better, but in order to feel completely better I have to see James.

"Are we allowed to see him?"

"Absolutely go right ahead. We moved him to a room down the hall to our right. Room 425." When he finished talking I took off to his room not even thinking about waiting for the others. I can't even remember the last time I ran so fast before.

When I finally reached his room I took a deep breath a slowly opened the door enough to see my injured James. He had his eyes closed when I came inside and didn't even notice that I was there. I walked up to him silently and brushed  the back of me hand across his cheek. He opened his eyes and cracked a smile.

"God this must be some really good drugs cause this is a good dream." I softly kissed his lips.

"Well your not dreaming love."

"Shit I can't believe you're here. What are you doing here?"

"You didn't think I was just going to sit at home while you're sitting up in the hospital do you? Kirk called and told me what happened and I was in the first flight over here. How do you feel?"

"Fucking terrible. It hurt so bad. I actually punched a guy in the nuts for bumping into me." We both laughed

" I would have too. I'm just glad your okay." I climbed into bed cuddling up next to him making sure to not hurt him.

"Just to let you know I'm not leaving you here by yourself."

"I didn't want you to." He kissed my forehead and we both drifted off to sleep.

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