James Hetfield #2

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It's June 1984 and Metallica is only getting bigger and bigger and I couldn't be more proud of them.

Seeing James so happy has brought nothing but joy to my soul. We're all out at this party having a good time and getting drunk. Kirk and Cliff are having a competition to see who can chug the most beer. Lars is sitting next to me laughing at these two and James is off doing something unknown. I actually have no idea where he is.

"Ha fuck yeah Kork eat shit I won." Cliff shouted as Kirk looked as if he was about blow chunks all over the place.

"Oh shit come on buddy before you make a mess on these nice people." Lars said before leading Kirk to the bathroom.

"Hey Cliff do you wanna help me find James?" I asked

"I guess I could do that. Just give me a minute to go outside and take a smoke and I'll get right on the hunt."

"Thanks bro." I say lightly punching his arm. I get up and start looking around for my dude. It didn't take as long as I had planned for but I wish it did. When I had found him he was standing over in a corner with another girl feeling all up on him.

"Uh hey James I've been looking for you." I said approaching the both of them

"Excuse me can't you see that were in the middle of something?" The girl had said to me after I interrupted her from violating him anymore than she was

"Yeah I saw that about ten feet away but you apparently can't see all the fucks I don't give."

"Dude what's your deal?" James said raising his voice at me which was something he had never done before.

"I was just trying to help you out." I said in an irritated tone

"With what? I didn't ask for any help." After that I just stormed straight outside.

"Did you find him?" Cliff asked as he notice that I was next to him

"Yeah and I wish I didn't." I said turning away from him so he wouldn't see the tears forming in my eyes

"Why what happened?"

"What happened to sunshine here?" Kirk asked as he and Lars made their way outside. At this point the tears began to overflow an fell on their own.

"Who's ass do we have to kick?" Lars asked me softly as he pulled me in to a hug

"No one it's fine."

"Can you guys give (y/n) and I minute?" James had asked as he met us outside.

"Yeah sure. Come on guys give 'em some space." Cliff ha said while motioning the others to go with him.

"What's the problem (y/n)? Why are you acting like this?" James questioned while stepping towards me

"It's nothing don't even bother." I said pushing him away

"I'm gonna bother because you've never been like this before. Just tell me what's wrong." I let out a one sigh and finally gave in to the pressure

"Fine. I didn't like seeing you that close to someone. It really bothered me and lit a fire in me which made me really angry."

"But why? What about any of that could have possibly made you angry? You're acting as if I cheated on you."

"That's what it felt like." I mumbled lowly hoping that he wouldn't hear me, but apparently it wasn't low enough.

"This doesn't even make any sense. We're not even together. We're just friends."

"Well that may be how you feel, but it sure as hell is not the way I feel!" I yelled at him with more tears threatening to leave my face. "We've been friends since middle school and I've had a crush on you since then, but not once did you notice. You just fucking flirt with other girls, date them, kiss them, even fuck them and don't even take in to consideration that there may be some way that your best fucking friend right under your facing nose is in love with you. You wanted to know what my problem was there it is. It's you. You and your fucking games." Right now I'm very angry, upset and all the other negative emotions at once. I couldn't stand to be around him for another second so I decided to walk away.

"Wait please." He said while gently grabbing my hand to stop me, but I'm not in the mood for this shit so I snatch my hand away

"What could you possibly have to say now?" He didn't say anything. He just kissed me after I had waiting for some many years and blew up at him literally seconds ago.

"How could you expect me to know how you feel if you don't say anything. I can't read your mind." He said after pulling away

"I've told you I've liked you before but you just thought I was joking around."

"Well then I'm sorry for that. How about we get out of here just the two of us so that I could make it up to you?"

"I'm still pretty upset. How do you suppose to make it up?"

"Well with that kiss we can both agree that actions speak louder than words."

"Go with him." Both Lars and Kirk shouted from the spot they were hiding him. E both looked over to them and cliff pulled them both down to hide again.

"So what do you say?"

"I guess I'll take you up on that offer." A night with James Hetfield. Sounds like fun.

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