Sebastian Bach #5

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"Hey (y/n) over here!" I heard a voice  shout over all the loud noise. I made my way towards the voice and was revealed to my favorite guys of Skid Row.

"Hey guys. How's it going." I announced as each of the stood to hug me. "So who's playing tonight?"

"This crazy rock band. I can't remember their name for some reason." Rachel replied. "I'm pretty sure it has something to do with guns and roses though."

"That's their name. Guns N Roses. They play here all the time and they're actually pretty good. They've been all over the place." Sebastian said

"Well then I guess we'll have to see about that. How's bout we get these drinks started." I suggested and all the guys agreed without any hesitation.

The band was scheduled to go on pretty soon but by this time we were all already shitfaced drunk or at least I knew I was on my way there.

"I'll be back. I'm gonna go use the bathroom." I said to Sebastian since he was sitting next to me. I did my best to navigate my way to the bathroom and right before I made it to the door I ran face first into a wall.

"Oh shit my bad." This deep voice said while grabbing my hand to help me up

"No its alright my fault." I said rubbing my throbbing head due to the alcohol and the possible concussion. I look up and meet eye to eye with this gorgeous fiery red head.

"I guess I should watch where I'm going next time." I say with a small laugh

"Yeah you should if you're suggesting that were gonna see each other again." He said while winking at me which caused my face to turn the same color as his hair. "If so I wouldn't mind seeing you again."

"Uh yeah I would like that."

"Cool. Are you staying for the show?"

"Yeah why?"

"I'll see you after then." he says as he starts to walk off

"Okay sounds great. Wait I didn't get your name."

"It's Axl." he said before disappearing in the crowd.

"Axl" i softly muttered with a smile appearing on my face. I made my way back to my friends and retook my seat.

"Took you long enough. They're about to start." Sebastian announced. Right on cue the lights went down and an explosion of sound came from the stage. As everyone was enjoying and rocking out to the music I kept my eyes focused on the red head who just so happened to be doing the same with me.

"Hey (y/n) can I talk to you about something?" Sebastian asked lowly.

"Sure what's up?"

"Well we've been friends for a while and I wanted to know-"

"Thank you for a great show. Good fucking night LA." Axl said before giving me a wink and heading off the stage.

"Sorry couldn't hear you. What did you want to know?" I said turning towards him

"I'm really into you and have been since we met and I wanted to know if you were in to me at all." I started to laugh because I thought he was joking. I laughed for a good two minutes before meeting with his straight but kind of angry expression

"Oh you were serious."

"You know what forget I knew it was stupid." he starting to stand

"No Baz I'm sorry. I just didn't expect someone like you to have some kind of interest in me."

"What do you mean someone like me?"

"My best friend."

"Well now you don't have to worry about it. I know how you feel. It's all a joke." he said walking away. I follow close behind him to get him to stop only to once again crash into something or more like someone.

"Jesus what the hell?!" I yell from the floor

"What happened to 'watch where I'm going next time'?" A familiar voice rang in my pounding head

"I'm sorry but I'm kind of caught up with something. My best friend is pissed at me but I cant see here he went."

"That sucks. How about I buy you a drink and you hang with me and my friends tonight to give your friend some space." He said grabbing my hand. I let out a deep sigh and gave up

"Sure why not. I could use a drink."

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