Sebastian Bach #1

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My god Sebastian is so gorgeous, but he probably only sees me as a friend. There's no way he would ever be interested, but hey one can dream right. I must have been dreaming quite a bit because I didn't even notice my friend Jani snapping her fingers at me.

"Yo y/n you there?" I snap out of usual daydream of Sebastian.

"Oh yeah . What's up?"

"It's Sebastian again wasn't it." My face got hot

"Yeah. I can't help it just look at him. He's so nice and sweet also. I just wish he was interested."

"Well why don't you go talk to him and ask him?"

"You know I can't do that." She began to push me towards him.

"Sure you can. They worse the can say is no." Next thing I know I'm standing behind him. I looked at Jani and mouthed 'I can't do this.' She shakes her head.

"Hey Sebastian, y/n needs to talk to you." He turns around and gives me his award winning smile.

"Hang on a second I'm almost done here." He then turned back around and continued his conversation with this random girl. I peeked around his shoulder and saw her write something on a piece of paper and hand it to him.

"So what's up?"

"I um wanted to know if you wanted to go see that new horror movie that just opened in the theater. You know as friends."

"I'm sorry y/n I just made a date with that girl that just left. Maybe some other time." There was a silence and glass shattering. It was my heart.

"Oh well um alright then. I'll see you around." I walked back over to Jani and gave her the death glare.

"The worst he could say is no." I said mocking her tone she was able to tell that I was upset.

"Well we can still go to the movies if you want."

"Yeah I guess. I really do want to see that movie."

"Great! We can make it a double date. Me and my boyfriend and you with one of his friends."

"Jani no. I'm not interested at all. I don't do the blind date crap."

"Oh come on he's really nice and he might get you away from Sebastian. Please?"

"Fine whatever."

{That night}

We just got to the theater and I already regret it. Jani's boyfriend is obnoxious and his friend isn't any better.

After we buy ticket we head towards to the snack bar and on the way there I see the lovely couple of Sebastian and the girl who I want to rip the face off of. They look happy I should pretend to be happier.

I grab my "date's" hand and put my head on his shoulder. He's not sure what's going on but he's not going to fight it.

"Hey y/n I see you decided to come anyways."

"Yeah I came with Chris." I don't exactly know his name I'm just going off what I think is right.

"That's cool. This is Maria." She gave me a quick smile and I didn't acknowledge her at all

"Well have fun guys." We then turn around and head back to the rest of the group.

{Back at your Home}

This was literally the date from hell. What ever the fuck his name was thought it would be a good idea to spill his soda on my fucking lap and called it an accident. Then the dumbass dropped all his fucking nachos on me and his fucking popcorn. Why the fuck dos this guy get so much food.

  When I finally got home I home needed to shower and forget everything. Right when I was about to enter my bathroom there was a knock on my door. I really don't feel like dealing with anyone but the know wouldn't go away.

Frustrated I answered the door.

"What do you want?!" My face got so hot when I saw who it was.

"Can we talk for a second?" It was Sebastian.

"Yeah um sure." God he still makes me so nervous. He comes inside and I close the door. When I turn around his lips met mine.

"Y/n I really really like you. Seeing you tonight with that guy made me finally realize that. You may not feel that way but I just had to let you know."

"Sebastian I've been felling that way for a while now. I was just too nervous to tell you." He hugged me really tight but pulled away too soon.

"What the hell is all of this? Why are you so damn sticky?"

"My date was shitty. I was about to go take a shower but then you showed up."

"Well mind if I join you then?" I couldn't believe my ears. He grabbed my hand and led me towards the bathroom.

Dreams actually do come true.

Sorry if this was shitty. I couldn't thing of an idea to work off of.

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