Izzy Stadlin #2

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"So explain to be me why I'm being forced on this date with you again?" I ask my friend while sitting in the passenger seat of her car completely against my will.

"Because I like this guy, his friend needed a date, and your my best friend. You graduated top of our class. It simple algebra darling do the math."

"You couldn't get one of your hoochie friends to go with you."

"I trust you with my life more than I could trust them with anything. Now can you stop being such a negative Nancy and actually try to have fun tonight."

"But you know I don't party."

"We're not partying. We're going mini golfing."

"Even better." I said in a sarcastic tone as she pulled in to the parking lot.

"Come on throw on a smile." I flash her a fake smile and take it away before getting out of the car.

"Trust me we'll have a good time." She says one last time before we come face to face with two guys casually talking to one another.

"Axl this in my friend (Y/N) and she's so excited to be here." She said introducing me.

"Excited is an overstatement, but I am willing to make the most out of the night."

"Well nice to meet you (Y/N). This is Izzy." He said referring to his quiet friend on his side.

"I think things will go well for you guys. Shall we get this party started." Axl said before grabbing (Y/F/N)'s hand and heading inside.

We've been playing for about 30 minutes and this Izzy guy hasn't said a word to me. Some date this is turning out to be. Every once in a while I'll catch a glance at (Y/F/N) and Axl flitting. Hm must be nice.

Izzy must have been noticing them also because he would glance at me when he thought I wasn't looking but when I would look up he would play it cool as if I didn't just catch him.

"So having a good time?" (Y/F/N) asked

"Yeah the time of my life. Thank you for inviting me here. I've never had this much excitement ever happen in my life." I said enthusiastically

"What's your problem my dude?"

"This whole date is my problem. We're basically training wheels on a 15 year old's bike."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"It means that we're not needed and we look ridiculous just being here. He hasn't said a single word all night and it's just killing the mood."

"Then why don't you say something to him. Axl told me he was a shy one so you're gonna have to break the ice if you want to have any kind of conversation with him."

"Maybe I don't want to have a conversation. I don't even want to be here right now."

"Then why are you?"

"Because you forced me here. I would have been fine sitting at home watching reruns of whatever was on tv, but no you dragged me out on this shitty date."

"Woah ladies let's just take a minute to cool down." Axl suggested before I walked away from everyone in order to get my feelings together.

I walk over to an uninhabited bench and bury my face in my hands. This is the worse date I've ever been on.

"Hey you doing alright?" A random voice asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine just upset." Next thing I know I feel body heat next to me. That scent is familiar.

"Wanna talk about it?" I look over to the person sitting next to be and to my surprise it was Izzy.

"You haven't been talking to me all night. What makes you want to talk to me now?"

"Because I'm trying to be nice and actually try make something out of this shitty date that I didn't even want to come to."

"Why did you come then?"

"Because Axl literally dragged me out of the house."

"I know what that's like."

"Look I'm sorry about tonight. When Axl told me that this was gonna be a double date I was expecting to be stuck with the ugly girl like usual. I wasn't expecting you to actually be as beautiful as you are."

" I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult." He then leaned in smoothly and stole a kiss.

"Take it anyway you want but I want to take you on another date to make up for this one. Just us this time." He said after pulling away.

"I'd like that a lot."

"Great so how about we finish what's left of this crappy night." He said before taking my hand and leading us back to our friends.

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