Jerry Cantrell #1

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(Smut warming)

I feel a chill run down my spine. The sound of birds squawking filtered in. I knew the window was open because of the chill and birds. A splash of warmth hit my face, but quickly went away as a shadow fell over it. The shift in the bed warning thay it was just Jerry.

His lips fall upon mine, gently moving against mine. After a second of letting myself wake up, I return the sweet little kiss.

He pulls back, smiling. "I knew you were awake."

I rolled onto my back and stretched. "How do you always know if I'm awake?"

"Call it intuition." He scooted closer, and the feel of something against my thigh told me that He had plans. "How bout some fun before work, yeah?"

I turn my head, "Yeah."

He yanks on the blanket and pushes it onto the floor, leaving me exposed in my tank top and underwear. He leans over to his bedside table and begins to look in one of the drawers. From that drawer he draws out strips of cloth. The strips once he been a shirt, but once he is set into a motion nothing survives.

He kneels beside me, the village in his boxers mere inches from my face. "Hands out."

I hold my arms out to him. He slips my tank top off my head. He then takes my left hand and ties a strip around it before tying it to the bed, he repeats this with my right arm. My last sight is of his beautiful smiling face, then my eyes are covered by my very own top. Now, it's up purely to my other senses.

A rustling sound come from beside me, the bed dipping and moving, before he tugged of ny undies.  He lightly smacks my thighs, "Part your legs."

I quickly obeyed and he slides between them. He hovers his mouth over my mouth. They just barely brush together. His hot breath trips down my flesh causing goosebumps to rise and me to wiggle around.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. You know you aren't suppose to move. Stay still love."

"Sorry sir. I'll hold still."

He doesn't say anything, just simply continues where he left off. He bites my sensitive nipples causing my to gasp at the sudden gesture. He licks over them soothing the slight pain, making it turn into pleasure. While he worked on my chest, his hand trails down to my core. He massage it causing my hips to buck and my breathing to increase.

"I love how wet you get at my touch. The affect I have on you he an effect on me, you know."

"Only for you sir," I whisper.

"As it should be."

And, with that, he dips a finger in my core. A soft moan manages to escape my lips. His mouth and hand cause a stream of moans and groans to flow out of my mouth like a river. My climax is so unbelievably close when he decides to stop and pull his fingers out. I feel the be shift more and then the head of his manhood pokes at my entrance.

"Princess, you okay? Are you ready for this?"

I nod, which earns me an almost growl. "Sorry sir.Yes, I'm okay and ready. More than ready."

I can feel his smirk as he slides his head inside me. I bite my lip, preparing for him to continue. And, he does, by slamming into me, balls deep. He starts a slightly fast rhythm. A song of moans, groans, pants, and grunts play out as he goes. He goes a little faster, pounding me into an oblivion. His calluses fingers pinch and tug at my nipples.

"Princess, cum for me," he grunts out.

And I do. I call out his name as my core muscles clench and unclench around him. A couple more thrusts and he releases inside of me, dragging out my orgasm.

When the rush passed, he takes the top off my eyes with a satisfied smile on his face and he unites my hands. He then collapses on top of me, his head on my chest. His arms are partially wrapped around me.

"Jerry that was great."

"It really was. And now, it's nap time."

I smile, "But, I'm hungry."

He looks at me with mischievous look in his eyes, "I'm sure I can make you full."

I shake my head, "Oh, hush. Rest. We have work in a couple hours."

Jerry lays his head back down. I run my hand through his hair a few times, which helps him sleep, obviously, because he begins to snore, not loudly though. I yawn before deciding to join him in the dream realm.

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