Jimmy Page #1

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"I can't believe we scored backstage passes. This is the biggest deal of my life." One of my friends mentioned as we waited in line to go backstage.

"Yeah it's a pretty big deal to meet Led Zeppelin." I mention. Led Zeppelin has always been one of my favorite bands and we got extremely lucky to be able to meet them face to face pretty soon.

"Wow here we are." A friend of mine said as we are our way in to their dressing room. There were tons of people in there chatting. Some men, some women, an the rest were half dressed skanky looking groupies.

"Look at all of these groupies. Do you think that they're all waiting to get bedded?" A friend whispered to the rest of us while all the groupies looked at us up and down as we walked through the room.

"They probably are. Hey look at that. Why don't you play a little (y/n)?"

"Because that's not my guitar and I'm pretty sure these people wouldn't want me to destroy their eardrums."

"Oh come now, you're one of the best players that we know."

"Yeah that you know."

"Come on stop being a wimp." My friend said before putting the guitar in my hands. I sat on the arm of the couch and began to play on of the many songs that I had learned and then the room fell silent. I was so lost in to my song that I didn't even notice that every eye had fallen on me.

After I finished the song the room erupted in claps and cheers. Guess I was better than I thought.

"Very impressive work miss." A voice among the crowd had said. The guy had made his way through the people and revealed himself as the one and only Jimmy Page.

"Wow thanks. That means a lot." There were small murmurs amongst the people.

"How's about we go on a walk? Just the two of us." He suggested while holding out his hand.

"Yeah sure." I accepted shyly. I exited out of the room with all eyes on me while Jimmy followed behind me.

"I was very impressed by your playing."

"Thank you Mr. Page."

"That's too formal. Please call me Jimmy. And what may I call you?"

"Me sometime for a date." I thought out loud

"That's a pretty long name."

"Shit I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud. What I meant to say was (y/n). That's my name." I blushed exte=really hard at my idiotic mind.

"Well Ms. (Y/n) how about we go on a date sometime?"

"Did you come up with that idea on your own?" I asked laughing a bit

"I had some help." He answered laughing also. "So what do you say?"

"Absolutely. When?" He then leaned down and latched his lips with mine.

"Now if that's okay with you." He said after pulling away

"Absolutely but what about your band and your fans and my friends."

"We'll deal with that when the time comes." He said before easing me out of the concert venue for a night out on the town.

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