Kurt Cobain #1

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Kurt and I have been dating for five years, and living together for three. He was my dream man. I couldn't have asked for a better man to love and to have love me back. We met by accident. But hey who am I to complain?

I walked over to Kurt and plopped down on the couch next to him, laying my head on his shoulder. He's writing something, that he puts on the side table. He kisses the top of my head, wrapping an arm around me.

"Kurt, what were you writing?"

"Just a song. Nothing important. Hey, go get dressed."

"Why? I'm so comfy in my pajamas."

He stands up and pulls me up. "I want to take you out. So please go get some clothes on."

"Fine. Will you at least tell where we are going?"

"No. Just throw on some clothes, no need to dress up."

I nod and make my way up to our room. I grab my clothes and go to change in the bathroom. I slip on faded jeans, a short sleeved shirt, and wrap a flannel around my waist. When I exit the bathroom, kurt is sitting on the bed. He had acid washed jeans on, a loose long sleeved grey sweatshirt with a regular t shirt underneath, and he topped it off with converse. His hair was messy in the cutest way possible.

"Gonna fix your hair, kurt, or not?"

He shrugs, "I wasn't planning on it. Does it bother you?"

I walk over to him and run my fingers through his messy blonde locks, "It could never bother me. I actually really like your hair like this. It's...cute."

"Cute? I won't question it. You ready to go?"

"Just gotta get my shoes on." I say as I sit on the floor. I grab my shoe out from under the bed and slip them on. I jump up. "Lets go. Where are we going?"

He stands and takes my hand in his, leading me out of the room. "Didnt I already say I'm not gonna tell you where we are going?" He opens the front door, me stepping out first.

The sun was blazing above, but the heat it gave off didn't quite make it to the ground. A gentle breeze russled the tree leaves. The sound of traffic in the distance. The neighborhood's volume was perfect, not a lot of noise but also not dead silent.

"Yes. But that doesn't mean I can't ask again. Perhaps, you've changed your mind."

He chuckled softly, "Not really."

We began walking hand in hand while making small talk a bit as we go. We've only walked a few blocks when Kurt came to a stop. It was an old venue that Kurt and the guys played at a few times.

"Kurt, why are we here?"

He gently tugs me inside behind him. "This is where we had our first date, remember?"

I nod, looking around. My eyes stop at the stage. I notice Krist and Dave up there. Krist was holding his bass and Dave was sitting at his drums. "What's going on? Why are they here?"

The guys look over and smile. I give them a smile and a small wave back. Kurt leads me to a table right in front of the stage.

"Sit here, we're gonna play a song for you."

I sit down just as Kurt jumps on stage. He grabs his guitar and he strike a few chords before singing a song I haven't heard him sing before. It was amazing. It has to be the most romantic song I have ever heard. You would have to listen to it to really find the meaning, and once you find that meaning you'd know it was beautiful.

They finished the sing and I stood up, clapping and in tears, "Gentlemen, you've done it again. That was amazing."

Dave stands, "It was all Kurt's idea." Then, him and Krist jump off the stage and wander off.

Kurt hold his hand out to me. Standing, I walk over and climb onto the stage, taking his hand.

"Kurt, that was beautiful."

"Just like you."

I smile softly

"I have a question for you. And I want you to answer it honestly."

"In all our five years, have I ever not spoken honestly to you?"

He shrugged, "I dont know. I'd like to say you have, but I'm not a person reader."

I couldn't help but laugh a little, causing a smile to form on his face. "Kurt, I'll answer your question honestly. Now ask the question please."

"You know I love you. And we've been together long enough, I'd like to think, to confirm that. So ya know, yeah. I'd like to know, if you would marry me?"

I stood there just staring. My mouth hanging open and my heart beating a thousand miles a minute. Shock coiled itself around me.

"Is that a no?"

I mentally slap myself. "No. I mean yes. I mean no. I mean no it's not a no. It's a yes. I will marry you Kurt."

He smiles widely and hugs me tight. Then he slips the ring on my finger. We then share our first kiss as an engaged couple.

It didn't last long because then Dave started clapping and whistling.

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