Rivers Cuomo #1

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A beam of light from my partially open curtains woke me up this morning. I turned over to my boyfriend Rivers's side of the bed to see if he was awake, but it was cold and empty. I sat up and looked at the clock on my nightstand and it read 7:48 am. What is he doing up so early?

I get out of bed and head downstairs to see Rivers fully dressed drinking a cup of coffee.

"Good morning babe. What are you doing up so early?"

"Hey, I have to be at the studio at 8. The guys and I have been working on this new song and we're gonna finish it today."

"Oh well you've been at the studio for days now."

"Well it is what I do for a living."

"I just thought we could hang out today or something."

"Hm maybe tomorrow."

"You said that yesterday and the days before that. What gives? It's like you care more about your career than your own girlfriend."

"Now you know that's not true. It's just a lot of work we're doing right now. I told you about this when we first got together."

"Yeah well now I'm regretting it." I say softly thinking he didn't hear me.

I then turned around and headed back to our room slamming the door behind me and locking it.

It's like I'm a lot less important to him than when we started dating a year ago and it hurts a lot. I slid down the back of door and the tears began to slide down my face.

Then there was a soft knock.

"Y/n I'm leaving now. I'll see you when I get home." Rivers sounded so hurt and sad and I know it's my fault cause he heard me, but it's part of his fault because he made me feel this way.

I get off the floor and head back to bed and curl up into a little ball. The tears continue to come faster and faster because my heart hurts so much. Before I know it I'm out cold.

When I wake up the moon had already taken the Suns place in the sky. Damn how could I have slept so long. I get up head out of the room cause I've been in here way to long. I go to the living room and see all the guys chilling on the couch chatting with one another.

"Oh look it's sleeping beauty." Patrick announces causing everyone to turn in my direction.

"Hey babe how are you feeling?" Rivers approaches me trying to grab my hand but I shove them in my pockets before he could.

"I'm fine." I turn to walk away from him to the kitchen but he grabs my arm.

"Wait y/n. I- well we have something for you." Everyone gets up and goes to the practice room Rivers has set up in the house.

"This is that song I told you we were working on.

After they finished tear flooded my eyes .

"So what do you think?" I didn't have any words. Absolutely none so I just went up to a Rivers and hugged the life out of him.

"I'm sorry for giving you so much shit about working so much."

"It's okay. It's not like I could have told you hat we were doing something for you. It destroys the definition of surprise you know?"

"Yes I know. You still love me right?"

"Do we have to play the song again? I'm pretty sure that was the answer to your question."

"I wouldn't mind it if you did."

"Yes I still love you." Our lips then connected creating that spark that I've been missing.

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