George Harrison #1

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   Who would have ever known that my vacation the UK would include a date with the George Harrison of the Beatles. I was just sitting at a cafe and without my knowledge he sat at the table I was at. We had a nice conversation when I wasn't acting like a shy fool.
     Anyways he invited me over to his place for dinner tonight and I'm way beyond nervous. I pick out a blue dress that stops at my knees and with long lace sleeves. I curled my long blonde hair and choose not to wear too much makeup. I wear flats because I feel as if I'm tall enough so I wear flats and head out towards the address George gave me earlier.
    It wasn't too far from where I was staying. When I arrived George was waiting for me outside.

"Hello Kaitlyn, you look stunning."
He pulls me into a brief hug and butterflies flock to my stomach.

"Thank you George. You look really nice also."

"Well let's head inside and get this night started." He takes my hand and leads me to the garden where a table set for two was sitting surrounded rose bushes and lights.

"Wow his is really pretty."

"A pretty scene for a pretty girl." My face floods with red. We walk over to the table and he pulls my chair out for me and takes a seat in front of me.

"To the first of many dates." He lifts his class up and I do the same.

"Um also to my last night in England."

"It's your last night?"

"Yes, I fly back home tomorrow afternoon. I'm sorry." I could see hat he was a bit hurt and quite upset that I didn't say something before.

"I'm sorry maybe I should go." I began to stand up but George grabbed my hand to stop me.

"Please don't. Stay with me. At least for tonight."


"Would you like to go for a walk."

"Sure." As we walked we talked about our lives like put up comings and family.

"It saddens me that you have to leave tomorrow. I feel as if I don't know you enough."

"I'm sorry George m. I wish I could stay longer, but I have to get back home. Everything I have is there."

"What would make you stay?"

"I don't know. I guess if I had a legit reason and a way to move all of my things over here then yeah I would stay, but I can't."

"Well what if found you a way to move your things?"

"George, that would be nice, but I still don't have a reason to move thousands of miles away from my friends and family."

We stopped walking and George pulled me in to a long kiss.

"I'm falling in love with you. Is that a good enough reason?"

"It's good enough for me."

I pulled him in to another kiss.

This probably sucked but whatever. The hiatus is over just in case you guys were wondering .

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