Robert Plant #1

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(Smut warning)

I've missed Robert so much. He's been on tour for a month and I wasn't able to tour with him. But, I was finally able to get on a plane and fly to where his next show is. It's not hard finding the hotel he's staying in with all the people outside.

I walk up to the counter and ring the bell. A short old lady comes out and smiles at me kindly. I smile back.

"Hi, I'm looking for Robert Plant's room. I'm his girlfriend. He isn't expecting me; I wanted to surprise him you know?" I explained quickly.

She smiles and nods. "Alright. Let me grab you a key. I just saw Mr. Plant, I believe, leave with his other band members about two hours ago. Excuse me for not knowing all about them. I'm not much of a fan, though my granddaughter is," she says as she turns around and unlocks the cabinet behind her.

She grabs a key and locks the cabinet back up. She hands me the key with another kind smile. I say a quick thank you after she tells me what floor it's on. I climb onto the elevator. Adjusting my satchel, I look at the few people who got on with me. My mind is running through all the events. I'm actually glad that Rob might not be in the room. Makes my visit more of a surprise. I step off the elevator and head down the hall quickly to his room. Once there, I slide the key card and rush inside. I flip on a switch, causing lights to brighten the room. The room is empty. I rush over to the bathroom. Flicking on the light, I close the door behind me. I strip quickly. Opening my bag I pull out the gift I brought. I slide on the edible bra and panty set. It's strange, foreign to me. I turn off the bathroom light as I enter back into the bedroom. I open the curtains letting the moonlighy shine through. Quickly, I turn off the bedroom light and lay on the bed in a sexy position. Now I just wait and pray that he doesn't bring the band in here or a staff member stops by or some other embarrassing thing doesn't happen.

It feels like forever before I hear someone outside the door, before it opens slowly. Robert turns on the light and closes the door. When he looks over and sees me, he jumps. Guess I frightened him.

"Y/N. What are you doing here?" He asks, walking closer. His eyes roam over my body.

"I wanted to see you. You've been on tour for a month and I just really missed you. Do you not want me here?"

He smiles and shakes his head as he climbs on the bed. "I want you here. I'm surprised you came. But, it's a pleasant surprise."

I smile. He kisses me softly as he climbs ontop of me. My arms wrap around his neck. His hands hold onto my hips. He slips his tongue into my mouth and mine twirls around his in a heated kiss. He breaks the kiss and kisses down my neck to the edible bra. A smile forms on his face.

"I like this little accessory. It looks nice." He takes a bite, his teeth grazing the skin of my breast. "Tastes pretty nice too. It'll only add to your amazing taste."

I blush a deep red. "Glad you like it."

He continues to eat away the bra, making sure to bite, kiss, or lick my flesh at the same time. When that's gone, he kisses down my stomach. He kisses from one hip to the other. He devours the panties before devouring me. I moan softly. After a few minutes, he leans up and kisses me softly. As he does this, he slowly pushes his cock inside of me. He starts a slow rhythm, our lips staying locked together.

Robert pulls his lips away. He looks into my eyes. I see pure love in his deep eyes. I know that my eyes are sharing the same emotion. He slowly picks up the pace. He litters little kisses over my neck bee groan and pant together.

"Robert, I'm going to cum," I say after a while.

"Let's cum together," he whispers.

And we do.

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