Chapter 64 [ Fake Envy (2) ]

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What is the result of the infinite integral ∫(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ...) dx?

a) 0
b) ∞ (infinite)
c) -1/12

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Envy paused for a moment, she tried to think of an answer as quickly as possible.

"There's a reason why I call this kind of question a trick question. Because no matter what answer I come up with, an annoying trap is bound to appear behind this door."

"More correct the answer, more points and more annoying the trap."

"But in a situation like this..."
Glancing back. The Ogre was getting closer to her.

Envy let out a small sigh.
"I have no choice."

Envy's index finger pressed answer C, the answer with the most points from the question.


The door opened sideways. Without hesitation, Envy entered it. As usual, the door would instantly turn into a wall and the ogre simply destroyed it in order to break through and chase Envy.

But not even a few steps past the door...


Both of them immediately collapsed to the ground.

Envy ground her teeth. The sudden heaviness in her body told her something.


"This one manipulates gravity!?" She thought in surprise.

"Ah... I'm really unlucky..."

Envy looked back. Maybe it wasn't just her who was unlucky. The ogres behind her were the same. They both kissed the ground due to the sudden heavy gravitational pressure.

The good thing about this, the ogre stopped chasing her. The bad thing... What difference does it make if she can't move either!? Like Envy said before, this was a battle against time. It was not the time for her to stay there.

Envy thought again. What should she do to get out of this situation?



No matter what she thought, no matter what she tried to observe in the surrounding environment. All could not help her. Here, the only one who could help her was herself.

Envy clicked her tongue.

"Though I don't want to show my strength as much as possible..." Envy muttered.

"Especially when it's in the spotlight like this."

Envy frowned. Her expression became a bit wry when she imagined the faces of two people.
"I hope Yeon-Unnie doesn't see this gambling, I hope Yeon-Unnie doesn't see this gambling, I hope Yeon-Unnie doesn't see this gambling..."

"Also, I hope Envy won't get angry because I used this skill as Envy..." Envy begged to no one in particular.

Envy tried to mentally prepare herself (for the scolding that might come). Since Envy was a hidden identity, she always tried as much as possible not to show Envy's power. Although the real Envy and herself had the same type of power so no one would notice, but people would have a clue about who Envy was.

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