Chapter 96 [ Erato's Blood ]

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Naeva listened carefully. Just as explained earlier, Mika knew everything that happened to Naeva in the Tower from the 2nd Floor Ascension Exam to the present, snippets of her past and future spoilers from Cleopatra.

In addition to some other information such as she is a Conqueror Irregular graduate of Tutorial Zone World B-589247, Universe 118, Multiverse Terraloom in Omniverse Nexus. The same Tutorial Zone as the Grand Families's predecessors. About her body containing the pure energy of the Tower, Veeha. As well as the Nova Overload that could not be detected by her.

Mika might not know the details. But just that alone, it was very surprising to Naeva.
"Now I understand why Raka was so protective of Mika from the outside world."

"This child... is another example of  dangers of merging Erato blood with other races where great compatibility."

"...Until a child born like this. What exactly has happened to Erato lately?"

Erato's ability (can see the mate of an object) is not so great and special if it is pure blood. That's right, only if it was pure Erato blood, it would be harmless. Naeva realized this when observing her one student. Unlike the other students who were single until graduation, Liliana Erato became pregnant and gave birth a child from the man who failed to survive in the tutorial zone. Despite the problems, Naeva's other students helped Liliana raise her child. Liliana even showed off her child to Naeva.

Unfortunately, the happiness was short-lived. Decades after Liliana's child was born, the child began to show his talent. A talent that wasn't supposed to exist. The child's father was a user of small-scale time and space manipulation abilities. But with the combination of Erato blood, the child had the ability to see the flow of life and the relationships between individuals in multiple dimensions or realities. He could see the "threads of destiny" that connected various realities and times. With this, he can see how choices in one dimension can affect another, including the relationships between individuals.

The existence of the child himself already defies the rules of the universe. Great power comes at a great cost. Instead of being able to see the thread of destiny, the child's thread of destiny was tangled from birth. He had no true understanding of reality, individual lives and the importance of the line of destiny. His ability made him blind.

At first, Naeva didn't think much of it. But from the moment the boy began to play with the fabric of reality and tamper with the lines of destiny, the universe was in turmoil and caused great destruction everywhere. None of Naeva's students could stop it. Naeva could not help but intervene directly.

Actually, if you look at the type of ability, that child is far superior to Naeva. But how could Naeva who has lived for 20,000 years, has great strength and experience, will lose to a child who is not even 2 decades old.

Naeva managed to stop the boy, but failed to justify his thoughts. In order to prevent any further destruction caused by the child's actions, Naeva executed him on the spot. Of course, as the child's mother, Liliana was devastated and felt a sense of loss. But she couldn't hate Naeva. She understood why Naeva had done it and she also felt very guilty for failing to take responsibility for the damage her son had caused.

Liliana was gloomy until her graduation. She managed to pass all of Naeva's exams armed only with the determination to live a good and righteous life as a form of regret for failing to educate her child. To help such a Liliana, Naeva gave her Lyra Erato.

Lyra Erato's abilities were indeed vast and enormous. But at that time, the ability that Naeva and Liliana needed from Lyra was only one.

"Use this Lyra to eliminate the possibility of Erato's blood combining with other races' abilities. Pass it down to your descendant representatives and play the lyra every few years, the effect will spread throughout Erato."

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