Chapter 61 [ The 3 Rulers Gamble Begins! ]

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Zeta's eyes were perfectly round. The woman had been frozen in place with a face of shock since Envy entered the arena stage.

Her hands, which had been clenched from the start, became even stronger. Zeta didn't even care about the wound on her palm anymore. Right now, there was a cracking sound in her heart. Zeta's last hope was almost destroyed.

While gritting her teeth, Zeta glared at Envy from her position.

"Actually why..."

"Even though I... told her everything... Why did she... come unprepared? Why didn't she bring slaves or change them!?" Zeta was confused and disappointed.

"Did she underestimate this information? Or underestimated Madam Lin and Lord Durren!?"

Do you remember the letter Envy read before arriving here? The letter that arrived 3 days before the Meeting of the 3 Rulers was a letter from Lord Durren explaining about the "additional conditions" he gave this year's gambling to Envy. About why Lord Durren gave it, the event MC will explain it later.

But the letter that arrived was not just that. There was a letter that Zeta slipped in along with it. By utilizing Bere and Ruka who were in Lord Durren's mansion, she managed to superimpose her letter in an unsuspicious manner.

And not only that, letters that had left the Western region and arrived in the Northern Region, would be delivered by neutral people (who served as posts and couriers) to the lord's mansion.

Some of the postmen who claimed to be neutral were the eyes of Lord Durren and Madam Lin. In order to break through their surveillance and for Zeta's letter to reach its destination, Zeta needed a courier by her side. And coincidentally, Hamer, who was losing big at gambling and was in debt, was used by Zeta as a courier to deliver Lord Durren's letter as well as her letter.

Zeta did not choose Hamer randomly among the many gamblers in debt. She chose Hamer because Hamer was a beginner with no connections, so no one would suspect that he was already on someone's side. The rest of you already know what happened.

The letter Zeta gave Envy contained Madam Lin and Lord Durren's plans, mainly about the consequences of choosing to gamble without slaves. She also explained some details of Madam Lin's plan to Envy. Of course, not for free. In exchange for that information, Zeta only asked for one of the "gambling prizes" that Envy would win.

Actually, Zeta also had a plan B if Envy refused. But she didn't want that plan to be used at all because it would cause many casualties. Zeta really hoped that Envy, who was known as a straight person and hated cheating, would win and help her.

But... let alone trying to win, the Envy she saw now was even like someone who didn't know anything. Unprepared and just jumped into the battlefield.

"Is it too much to hang this plan on one person?" Zeta thought irritably (to herself).

Unlike her who might have been consumed by emotion since seeing her sister's condition firsthand, Lenarya who was still calm and cool-headed realized something else.

She glanced at Zeta and Envy in turn.
"Not preparing anything? No... Would the expression of someone who didn't prepare anything be like that?"



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